On 09/03/2016 06:45 PM, Stephen D. Williams wrote:
On 9/3/16 6:35 PM, Razer wrote:
On 09/03/2016 06:08 PM, Stephen D. Williams wrote:
Any real political anarchy has been a failure. Tell that to the people of Barcelona.
Tell that to the Spanish Anarchist Unions.
You ARE 'talking out the side of your neck'.
In other words. Full of shit. Just like 'the troll' (Juan)
You mean 2 unions and a few squatters? (Unless I misinterpreted.) Doesn't seem too convincing as a political system. Good example to read up on later though, thanks.
Keep picking nits loser. Red Flora, Rote Flora, Hamburg Germany. A whole anarchist neighborhood and community center that's existed for years. Three years ago they stood the government down, with assistance coming from all over Europe.
"The city experienced some of its worst street violence since the Second World War. Masked protesters torched cars and showered police with stones, bottles and fireworks. The police responded with water cannon, baton charges and tear gas. More than 120 police officers and an estimated 500 demonstrators were injured, many of them badly.
Just days later, another group of protesters assaulted police with stones and bottles as they were leaving the Davidwache station in what was apparently an unprovoked attack." http://auntieimperial.tumblr.com/post/73176327509 http://en.squat.net/2013/12/23/hamburg-update-on-saturdays-protest/ Ps. Red Flora still stands. Unlike prog-lib protests and squats, because there's a HUGE BASE OF SUPPORT in German society. Spain too. It's not JUST Barcelona you know, or maybe you don't pay any attention the the news from Spain but rely on Wikipedia entries to explain what's happening in the world. Rr
On Sat, 3 Sep 2016 18:11:33 -0600 Mirimir <mirimir@riseup.net> wrote:
On 09/03/2016 01:17 PM, Xer0Dynamite wrote:
> We are "anarchists" and we do what we want. Anarchy doesn't scale. What will you expect with billion+ people without societal structure? Watch World War Z and then Book of Eli to find out. Anarchy is a beautiful dream. But it's unworkable, except in small, self-selected groups.
I'm sure that retarded anti anarchy (and pro state) propaganda is 'on topic' in this list eh? Some discussion of "* anarchy" isn't really anarchy, it is just maybe anarchy to someone fixated on a fixed definition of their favorite system. Or a signal by someone suggesting such a departure. Any real
On 9/3/16 5:46 PM, juan wrote: political anarchy has been a failure. If you have proof that isn't the case, then present it.
"Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero, knowledge, reputations, information markets, black markets, collapse of governments."
What are the last three words there?
What is the whole paragraph? Is it a checklist of goals? Is it a statement that everything is desired for any purpose? Or is it a definition of a term?
The whole "manifesto" is a statement of predictions and likely results. The only call to action is a non-specific 'arise'.
So remind me who are in continual violation of list charter?
Juan more time: you philosophokiddies.
-- Stephen D. Williams sdw@lig.net stephendwilliams@gmail.com LinkedIn: http://sdw.st/in V:650-450-UNIX (8649) V:866.SDW.UNIX V:703.371.9362 F:703.995.0407 AIM:sdw Skype:StephenDWilliams Yahoo:sdwlignet Resume: http://sdw.st/gres Personal: http://sdw.st facebook.com/sdwlig twitter.com/scienteer