Dang Global Scientific Marketers just can't decide which terms to even use - that sure gave me confidence in their certinty!
Har har! Dang ol science it must be a CONSPIRACY yeah that's it!! What has science ever done anyway?
Fucking ridiculous.
When we cling to certainties (even "facts" mind you) is it that we express an attachment which may be causing us to not see something? How about when we react in an emotional way, to quotes from history's "great minds", rather than respectfully deconstruct the fundamental problem which we assert is hidden in that historical quote, or that definition (e.g. a definition of the word 'science')? Is a call to non-emotionally consider what is being said, in the precision of the words being used, a rational, hey even possibly 'scientific' call to the listener/reader? Could it be that those challenging a dearly held assertion, do so not from any contrariness, not from any obtuse stubbornness nor even belligerance, but from a heartfelt desire to seek 'the truth' and to discover the true facts behind an assertion made by another? Can we truly say we are engaging in conversation when we presume stupidity on the part of another, when they ask explicitly or implicitly for "more data, please"? Could it be that those asking for "more data" have spent considerable genuine personal time and energy searching for said data facts in support of said assertions and "scientific theory parading itself as scientific fact" and are at the point of frustration and "well, I've looked, could not find, so bloody well put up or shut up already"??? Is there any possibility that our personal programming be our Western schooling system is so ingrained, so deep, that parts of it are simply unseen by our not so humble selves? And could it be that such deep programming is in fact used by wealthy oligarchs around the world who meet behind closed doors to discuss and execute intentions to spin certain stories based on "the glory, power and untouchable truth of 'science'" to their personal and group/corporate economic benefit? And would it be reasonable to say then when such oligarchs have such meetings and execute such intentions, that they have "conspired" together to improve their profits and control in the world? Could the fruits of such endless closed door conspirings be the reason the "conspiracy theorist" had to be demonised, socially shunned and turned into the politically incorrect pariah?