notes “becoming yourself”, miller
- we misused our triggers to escape, encouraging and confirming response at increasingly inaccurate things
- “spinning” reads like the process by which “programs” are spread and amplified. the example is when one part intentionally raises a triggering cue (like “bomb the palace” maybe apologies), then “spinning” is what other parts do to spread the impact to more areas.
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- memory work generally happens after a lot of groundwork has been laid
- (!!! mind controlling friends, and setting up hypnotic believable stories …? apologies :s)
negotiation strategies:
- explanation of safety
- reduction of intensity
- reverse spinning, so things compress rather than spreading
- approaches that are maybe still it but are not harmful
one client was able to channel harming the therapist into a single per-session pinprick (this seems like possibly a good idea :s)
another drew on their arm in red ink to replace raising blood
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