https://www.taxthehell.com/?utm_medium=email There are BILLION$ of reasons to make them pay their fair share. 17 American oil and gas companies reported a combined total of $25 billion in direct one-time benefits from Trump's tax cuts. Energy giant ExxonMobil reported $5.9 billion in immediate tax cuts, ranking second only to Apple as the nation's single largest corporate beneficiary of the GOP tax bill. (source) ITEP Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: A Timeline In December 2017, federal lawmakers hastily enacted the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. So rushed was its passage that pr... Since Trump's tax cuts were passed, the number of companies paying ZERO in federal taxes has gone from 30 to 60 per year. These companies include: IBM, Netflix, Amazon, General Motors, etc. (source) Corporate Tax Avoidance Remains Rampant Under New Tax Law For decades, profitable Fortune 500 companies have been able to manipulate the tax system to avoid paying even a... Just 6% of tax-related savings are going to workers, while 56% are going to shareholders. (source) What the Republican tax bill did — and didn’t — do, one year later Emily Stewart The GOP tax cuts didn’t pay for themselves. They did, however, deliver a lot of stock buybacks. 433 (87%) of Fortune 500 companies declined to say publicly whether they are giving any bonuses or wage increases to their employees due to the Trump tax cuts. (source) Trump Tax Cut Truths - Americans For Tax Fairness A comprehensive tax cut analysis database explaining how the Fortune 1000+ have spent their tax cuts after the p... A total of 238,290 private sector job cuts have been announced at 361 companies since the Trump tax law was passed by Congress. (source) KEY FACTS: HOW CORPORATIONS ARE SPENDING THEIR TRUMP TAX CUTS - American... Claims that corporations are sharing a big slice of their huge Trump tax cuts with employees through bonuses and... From 2008 to 2015, 100 Fortune 500 companies paid ZERO in federal taxes while making $336 billion in profits. (source) The 35 Percent Corporate Tax Myth Profitable corporations are subject to a 35 percent federal income tax rate on their U.S. profits. But many corp... Two years after Dallas-based AT&T championed corporate tax cuts and pledged they'd lead to job creation, the company plans to cut nearly 2,000 jobs by the end of September in 23 states, including Texas and Oklahoma. (source) [enough of of De Blasio's nonsense] Apparently, it does not occur to De Blasio that if my AP (Assassination Politics, https://cryptome.org/ap.htm ) idea were implemented, it would probably only take a cumulative donation of about $1 million to see him "predicted" dead. Yes, America certainly has a problem with taxation. But the main problem is that taxation exists. And, that government seems to exist to hand out favors to people, taxing a huge fraction of the GDP, wasting $700 billion + on "defense", which could be provided by 100x less money with an AP-type system. Jim Bell