Part of the problem in some cases where the defendant is, or is being, physically or mentally, incapable or put under duress... is that they can lose cognitive control over their case and legal team, such team may then take on a autopilot life and issues of their own, or of someone else's manufactured or desired cause and issue of the day imparted into the the case, rather than the defendants best interests. Part of knowing is an assessment, does whichever defendant wish to fight, or do they just want out, or want other terms, and at what point and direction are they freely changing if any, on such intention as things progress. Unfortunately due to the nature of the system, priviledge, ongoing case and negotiations, etc... such defendants wishes at any point aren't usually known to the public. Not suggesting that's the case with Assange, that is for others to know and consider, but only that it can and does happen. #FreeAssange