On 08/20/2017 07:14 PM, Yt wrote:
Steve Kinney admin at pilobilus.net Sun Aug 20 12:30:24 PDT 2017
The most Aryan looking person I ever met
You've never met an Iranian/Persian, then, you uneducated racist.
As you are well aware, in the context of Nazi / KKK propaganda "Aryan" means stereotypically northwest European. So far your presentation demonstrates how little the Nazi / KKK guise have going for them: No matter how intelligent, articulate, etc. some of them may be, the only way for them to sell their core propositions on any basis other than exploiting fear > anger > hate, is clever word games. And the odd Classic Propaganda Technique here and there. Hmm. I think I will change "ad hominem" to "kill the messenger" in my list of Classic Propaganda Techniques. It's instantly self explanatory, easier for a newcomer to remember and apply.
the losing team
Globalism/Communism ? Or do you mean Privacy/Freedom ? Pic related.
I mean the losing team that handed their opponents on the ground a martyr a little over a week ago. The ones 15k+ people turned out to say "Fuck You" to in Boston one week later. Our overt Nazi / KKK folks went too public, too fast, and got burned. They polarized the public and mobilized an opposition that outnumbers them by at least 200 to 1. They will fade back into the shadows, except for the few required to run an aggressive propaganda front on the networks - under the close guidance of professionals, or so it appears from the quality and volume distribution of their recent product. I wonder if Mr. Bannon dropped out so he could work full time on that project, without risk of premature exposure and a backlash against the still very useful Trump Administration. Say what you will about Steve Bannon, he is an adversary to be proud of: Beat him and you did something worthwhile and not at all easy. The sponsors of the Nazi / KKK propaganda efforts do deserve bonus points for prompting our NeoLiberal mass media outlets to pick up and actively promote their "free speech" talking points. This leverages NeoLiberal corporate directives to damage the anarchist associations that run Antifa in any way possible - a smart move. Turns out the Left Loves Nazis, when it is to their advantage to do so, and nice polite middle class racists are a largely untapped market.
You Nazi/KKK
Funny, how I never mentioned these groups, and am an Ashkenazi Jew. You must be projecting.
You may not have mentioned the Nazi / KKK guise by name, just repeated their principal talking points and now continue to fight for them. Calling the causes you advocate for by their right names is a losing move, because the terms "Nazi" and "KKK" carry 100% negative connotations for everyone except members and committed supporters. Pretending at NPOV also makes one sound much more rational and reasonable. You presentation models the behavior you want your audience to emulate. Pretending to be a neutral observer who clearly sees why the Nazi / KKK crowd is "in the right" is much more effective than saying, "Well I side with the organizers of Unite The Right, and the Nazis say..." Maybe I am projecting a little: I study propaganda, and your presentation indicate an author or authors who also study propaganda. When this model is "projected" over your placements, it simplifies analysis: Bush league amateur or top flight professional, the techniques are the same.
the Juggalos
Are anti-commie and in support of a future for their children. Only LE assets like edgynameanon and brainwashed leftists like you will be acting against the interest of nationalism, which seeks to preserve your freedoms, and stomping on whatever dribble of liberty remains. You have fallen right into our trap. We have intentionally muddied nationalist sentiments by false flagging the Third Reich at every chance we get using lesser Jews such as Richard Spencer and Milo Yiannopoulos to stir the pot. This is the end for your precious freedoms. You bought all of our revisions and repossessions. The surveillance state is growing with every protest and we even have leftists demanding censorship under the guise of ending "hate", an actual human emotion, just look at this Tor Project ticket:
Please DO show up in DC, wearing/carrying your employers' symbols of White Nationalist Pride. Walk right into a crowd of Juggalos and explain to them why you are on their side and they should be on yours. I'm sure they will be more than happy to embrace your presentation and welcome you to the Dark Carnival. I bet they will even comp you for your first visit to the House Of Illusions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE5-oii48-o
This is TOR Project ticket #23270, title: Allow Tor relays to be configured to block selected hidden services, including racist hate sites Status: closed enhancement (invalid) ...which is the only status it /could/ have, given the nature of the project. Anyone who counts this as a Win for the Nazi / KKK guise, would also be likely to cite tomorrow's sunrise as a Win, proving that Nature and Nature's God is on your side.
We have turned you against your own self-interests by convincing you that your Aryan brothers and sisters are actual "Nazis" and that they seek to remove your freedoms and, taking the bait, you have yourselves removed those exact freedoms we warned the "Nazis" were after. Once we convince enough people that the USA was founded on slavery, and that "whites", not Jews, were the slave owners and traders, the golem will finally remove the Aryan from power and the country can outwardly begin the shift to a New Greater Israel.
Oh, dear, just above you disclaimed and even MOCKED the Nazi definition of Aryan. Now you are using "Aryan" in the NSDAP context, without question or comment, quoting some Nazi / KKK propaganda placement or other (or wrote it for your latest placement for the CPunks audience). Around these parts we already have people advocating for direct Corporate rule, mediated by mercenaries and militias. All you can add to that would be elements of transparently irrational conspiracy belief, and a bit of explicit racism. It might be more productive to go directly to Libertarian Party discussions and drop your talking points there. The Libtards present a /much/ larger audience and a faster turnover - and on average, they are less educated and more naive than present company. :o)