-------- Original message --------
From: juan <juan.g71@gmail.com>
Date: 1/18/18 6:27 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: cp <cypherpunks@cpunks.org>
Subject: Re: Chelsea Manning For US

On Thu, 18 Jan 2018 20:50:46 -0500
John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:

> I don’t think it’s really just a matter of chopping it off,

>> but that's what it is.

Actually it isn't that at all. It's a complex surgical procedure where they, for want of a more technical description, "turn it inside out and tuck it in".


Ps. I knew a guy in boulder Co in the 1970s that did the chopjob on himself. But he was a rather disturbed person who couldn't possibly pass the standard psych evaluation.

> that was
> me just sort of bullshitting ;)

rather, I think you are bullshitting now, trying to play it
down =)

Anyway, out of curiosity, I took a
> look and Argentina is actually quite a bit farther along this line
> than the old Americunts... the following cut and pasted from
> wikipedia  -
> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_rights_in_Argentina
> “Transgender rights in Argentina are among the most advanced in the
> world.

sounds exactly like what the typical local 'progressive'
asshole would write : "most advanced in the world"  haha

> The country "has one of the world's most comprehensive
> transgender rights laws":[1] its Gender Law, passed in 2012, made
> Argentina the "only country that allows people to change their gender
> identities without facing barriers such as hormone therapy, surgery
> or psychiatric diagnosis that labels them as having an
> abnormality".[2][3] In 2015, the World Health Organization cited
> Argentina as an exemplary country for providing transgender
> rights.[3] Upon legalising same-sex marriage on July 15, 2010,
> Argentina became the first country in Latin America, the second in
> the Americas, and the tenth in the world to do so.”
> <snip some stuff>
> “Gender identity law
> The Ley de Género (Gender Law),[7] grants adults sex reassignment
> surgery and hormone therapy as a part of their public or private
> health care plans. The law also allows for changes to gender, image,
> or birth name on civil registries without the approval of a doctor or
> a judge.”

sounds like bullshit. Changing your birth name was always a
bureaucratic mess and I actually doubt people ever tried it.
So I highly doubt you can now change your name or 'image'(what
the fuck is that even supposed to mean) easily.

I can tell you however that last time I tried to buy a kilo of
caustic soda, the motherfucking scum at the shop didn't sell it
to me because I don't have a credit card. They want  ID AND
you can't pay in cash. Courtesy of the DEA and the local DEA