On 1/24/2017 10:52 AM, Razer wrote:
when a union organizer in Seattle got shot by one of those scumbuckets while trying to deescalate a fight.
Here is a collection of the latest on the incident. http://ibankcoin.com/zeropointnow/2017/01/21/man-shot-outside-milo-event-gun... tl;dr Leftists beat up a shitload of people. Guy who got shot had brass knuckles and a big knife. Employed the brass knuckles to beat up lots of people. Got shot as a result. Look at the video: A short middle aged Asian man in a yellow hat is minding his own business when an a big antifa races out of the crowd, attacks him and beats him up, one of the many, many, many attacks on real, suspected, alleged, or imaginary rightists that have been happening since Trump was elected. He chases the short guy in the yellow hat all over the place, a bunch of other antifa joined in or are about to join in, then the short Asian guy in the yellow hat shoots the antifa, or possibly a trump supporter in a red hat shoots the antifa to protect the short Asian guy in the yellow hat. The guy who got shot is not a union organizer, but a union enforcer. He is an antifa, one of the people in the left who maintain the ideological uniformity of the left by beating up and frequently murdering fellow leftists who deviate from the latest line. It is not yet clear who did the shooting, and whose side the Asian guy was on, but it is clear who was shot, and whose side he was on. Regardless of who did the shooting, the shooting was defense against a left wing ideological enforcer who was doing a bit of enforcement. The second amendment is the ultimate defense of the first. There have been thousands of vicious attacks on real and suspected Trump supporters, and very little of it is getting coverage.