On Fri, Nov 01, 2019 at 09:44:36AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Thu, Sep 01, 2016 at 02:47:08AM -0600, Mirimir wrote:
How about we implement a working AP system?
As I said in a previous thread, I now believe that to be fundamentally flawed - that it will not achieve anything resembling justice, even in the long term.
Fundamentally, the oligarchs and humans generally need a much higher level of education and discourse.
"When all you have is a hammer ..."
In the current climate of a majority of extremely dummed down "citizens", who are and feel disempowered, who cling to any iota of power that presents such as any public lynching, where intelligent "discourse" is simply not possible, restraint never exercised and certainly not possible to exercise collectively, AP would be at best a hammer to completely destroy society.
I support anarchism, not chaos.
Given the nature of Millenial Marxist Morons, the lynching of Jacob Applebaum may well have had a life-ending conclusion rather than the "verbal public" conclusion it had. When the mob gets going, the mob acts reactively, on emotive causes. Those emotive causes are often thrashed up by one or more of: - the mainstream media - the CIA, MI5 and other deep state operatives - young, nihilistic and utterly self righteous virtue signallers - those who may have personal vendetta/ revenge motive And perfect storms rise, where the zeitgeist of the day leaves a Jacob Applebaum on the alter of sacrifice, for the cleansing of "the public"'s burdened Souls. So, were a functional AP market in play, Jacob Applebaum may well no longer be in the land of the living. Likewise, Richard Stallman for his occasional jokes, and clearly stated questions about teenagers and sex, may also no longer be alive today given the perfest storm of morons, unthinkers, and frustrated contributors and employees of the FSF aligned (unknowingly) with a coup de ta power grab. How does an Assassination Market/ Assassination Politics, protect such people? The average human today, ALREADY finds it beyond their courage to speak truth to power, to put rest to broadly accepted lies which have been diligently built up by those in power, over decades, to persist their power and power structures. Would the fear inducement engendered by AP, increase the likelihood of humans speaking truth in the face of their own fear of the mob? Does AP problematically empower the mob?