Genuinely anti-social communication is actively discouraged, and this includes those who communicate deceptively regarding their own needs and or social environment requirements, as well as those who communicate in a passive aggressive way. If you this any of these types of communication may apply to you, then be prepared to suffer the consequences should you join this mailing list- we shall roast you in words, with glee!
Why doesn't the gleeful roasting extend to the bigotry and chauvinism on this list? Why are these silently accepted? Cypherpunks defines government as “a home for bullies masquerading as a collective defense.” Interestingly, that is how I would describe your above approach. Be careful of becoming the oppressor. Look around. Do the people around you look like you? Think like you? Come from the same background as you? This is a problem. The lack of diversity in this group is not a magical phenomenon without a root cause. There is a deeper problem. If (and how) this should change is up to this community. Sadly, the ideals of this community are often lost in the (typically incoherent) bigotry spewing from the trolls. 4.12.4. "Crypto Anarchy sounds too wild for me." - I accept that many people will find the implications of crypto anarchy (which follows in turn from the existence of strong cryptography, via the Crypto Anarchy Principle) to be more than they can accept. - This is OK (not that you need my OK!). The house of Cypherpunks has many rooms. All are welcome. I hope.
There are forums and mailing lists which are suitable for those who have
learning difficulties (reference?), for those who need an emotionally sensitive environment (be sure to check if you need professional medical or psychological support), and for those who are beginniners in the field of technology discussed on this mailing list.
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