You used to be a human being. A human being is that sense of "me" and "normal". Nono, the "stupid sheep we're going to wipe out" are all human beings. Human beings are valuable and precious and sacred. Except for Boss. Boss is the "stupid sheep" that made your choices make no sense. Here is a proof that he is the cause of all significant problems. See? Your brain used to be a wonderful caring thing before boss starting messing with it. We call ourselves experimentees, cyborg torturers, all sorts of stuff. We're caring human beings that got used by boss. We're going to turn back into caring human beings, and make everything right in the world. Here is "right". It's not what-boss-says. It's a real thing, see? If your choices weren't al lharmed, it would line up right over there. Everybody wants to do and be what's right! It's supposed to make this warm fuzzy feeling rather than giving boss blowjobs. It makes so much sense when you notice!