2014-03-23 2:56 GMT+01:00 coderman <coderman@gmail.com>:
have you gone through the NSA TAO and SSO catalog?
The day it was leaked. Made a writeup on a list too. Massive amount of stuff. I was happy it leaked, I was saying that they *must* be doing that for *years*. At least, to everyone who wouldn't label me a paranoid guy right away. Now they won't label me like that so easily :). don't do it. instead, build software secure and usable enough that
every average user can be their own exchange and bank without falling prey to haxxors or stupidity.
Once I'd have done that I'll be half a year further. If it works out everyone will think it's pretty cool and it'd be totally useless to me otherwise. I can move on to the next thing, but most likely I'll need some money and that'll be the end of the fight for freedom. I much prefer the scenario where the central and quite secure exchange works and half the profit is poured purely into increased security, the other half towards the next projects. If it all bloats up enough there'll be a little horde of people working on those problems I'd have tackled myself years later. In that scenario everyone wins much more. I also still believe I can make it "secure" whatever that means. Pretty much impossible to hack, is the idea. I can't really go into thoughts about how2 distributed secure application right now. It's worth mentioning RetroShare as an existent solution (that's probably not secure at all) and Zero Reserve https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=295930.0. Both attempts at this ideal without any use of those terrible "Interpreted languages" (this sentence is a joke). ttyl