Joe Biden Is An Asshole Election Wizard 🇺🇸 @ElectionWiz Project Veritas’s latest drop on Pfizer already has 8.4 million views. If @elonmusk interacts with that tweet, this website might meltdown. Bryce Nickels @Bryce_Nickels Jan 26 EcoHealth Alliance is pursuing reimbursement of $126,391 from the NIH for what they say is underpayment of indirect costs on the grant that supported gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Incredible. Ian Miles Cheong @stillgray Pfizer is refusing to speak to Fox News and answer questions about their executive bragging about “directed evolution” research. Gregg Re @gregg_re Replying to @Cernovich we have been emailing and calling @pfizer all day. they refuse to answer any questions about this project veritas video. this is the company people trust to mess with their RNA. just incredible. Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 retweeted Ungovernable Albertan 🥩🥚 @0_literally Replying to @Project_Veritas @GavinElwes The best part of this whole video is the pictures of Jesus and Mary on the wall as this all goes down… Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 @JackPosobiec In the military we used to refer to this as 'shock of capture' A great time for interrogation Libertarian Party Mises Caucus @LPMisesCaucus Replying to @JackPosobiec The full range of emotions on display here. Rasmussen Reports @Rasmussen_Poll For those of a certain age, you'll recall that when Mike Wallace showed his sting interview subject the previously hidden @60Minutes camera & crew the subject typically clammed up and told the CBS guys to leave. Times have, well, changed ... Mostly Peaceful Memes @MostlyPeacefull The Right To Bear Memes @GrandOldMemes