The same Julian Rand Paul Asshat that wanted to be a Senator before he wanted to be a nocoiner journalist ( Two of the most despised professions on the planet ) The same world-historical jackass - and BFF of Jacob Appelbaum - who said... "... Mr Assange agreed that some level of privacy was necessary for the successful operation of the military ..." http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/drive/assange-i-can-rule-from-o... JULIAN " ‘[The military] protects the sovereignty of Australia. It protects the independence of Australia.' ASSANGE July, 2013 Under der Fuhrer, Julius, Wikileaks promised the ' unvarnished truth ' - they delivered a basted Turkey called ' Collateral Murder ". Those not Batshit crazy like Gramps and Semich will see Julian wash his hands and practice social distancing from Iraq. Just like he did with Snowden a month after he came out. Not a cypherpunks arsehole - and yet some here still kiss his lily arse. They must be completely BATSHIT CRAZY.