On Mon, 30 Oct 2017 08:54:58 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
So there is good reason to NOT eliminate the Bible for hacktivists and other friends of justice. It has power, so use it.
Sorry Marxos, it's one of the first rules of anarchists:
ยค Religious precepts, doctrines and books Must NOT be used by anarchists, in ANY context!
yep, it's one of the first principlies of any half-libertarian philosophy, let alone anarchism. NEWSFLASH : The idea of an 'omnipotent authority' is the exact opposite of freedom. also, this 'omnipotent authority' is nothing but the creation of scammers and worse, who want people to believe that their sick political gargabe is 'true' because it comes from 'god'. Like, sex is sin, children obey your parents or be stoned, "my home my rules" and other 'philosophical' gems.
Almost as illogical as a Japanese tranny in Brazicuador claiming that men have stalked "her" on Facebook.