Money Talks, Bullshit Walks, Biden's Democrats are doomed... Biden Price Hike: Most Americans Blame US President For Higher Gas Prices It's hard to believe this has to be said, but unlike this president, I'll do my job and take responsibility. I won't blame others. And I'll never forget that the job isn't about me, it's about you. @JoeBiden June 4 2020. Democrats... "Inflation is transitory" - Feb 2021 4% "Inflation is good" - Oct 2021 6% "It's just corporate greed" - Jan 2022 7.5% "Putin did it!" - Mar 2022 10% (17% actual) A majority of Americans still don't believe the Biden administration's ham-fisted attempts to shove the "Putin's Price Hike™" narrative down our throats. According to a new Rasmussen poll, when asked whether Biden or Russian President Vladimir Putin is to blame for higher fuel prices, "76% of Republicans think Biden bears most responsibility for higher fuel prices, as do 24% of Democrats and 54% of voters not affiliated with either major party." What's more, 84% of likely US voters believe the rising price of gasoline, home heating oil and other petroleum products is a 'serious problem.' 61% say it's a 'very serious problem.' And when did the vast majority of this inflation occur? Pre-Ukraine, in fact prices started their jump and run on November 5th 2020, right after the election, with near vertical leap as Biden policy started after Jan 20th. Rasmussen's findings echo those from several weeks ago, as NBC's Tom Costello reported on "The Today Show" that people aren't buying the Putin Price Hike narrative. "President Biden is trying to label this Putin's price hike. Well most Americans, according to an NBC News poll, are not buying that. Only 6% blame Putin; most believe that President Biden's policies are very much to blame." And in March, a Quinnipiac University poll revealed that more Americans blame Biden than the Ukraine invasion or corporate greed for the rise in gas prices. Forty-one percent of those polled say the Biden Administration’s economic policies are more responsible for the recent rise in gas prices. Two other factors tied for second place at 24% each. The first was the war in Ukraine and resulting sanctions against Russia, while the second factor was oil companies charging more. -WCSC, Mar. 30 What was that, Joe? That said, talk to us about the cost of energy when Putin shuts off gas to Europe. Europe may be hurtling toward a sudden halt of Russian natural #gas, which would trigger energy rationing and a deep recession. The continent’s gas balance is “just one supply disruption away from completely falling apart,” says a JPMorgan analyst. — Bloomberg Energy (@BloombergNRG) May 1, 2022