"Remember Liveleak and numerous other sites being shut down all within a week?
The US Censorship Regime has permanently killed
@rumblevideo We said once before and we will say it again. Censorship is about to hit high gear, so buckle up. YouTube just gave a strike to one of the largest live-streamers known to the internet, @scrowder. Crowder will address the situation tomorrow, on Rumble, where we have his back. Jackson Hinkle @jacksonhinklle Let me get this straight... @scrowder calls for the complete dismantling of the FBI & deep state on his Youtube channel, then days later he receives a 7 day suspension from YouTube? Yea, that sounds about right. So much for free speech. Jackson Hinkle retweeted Jimmy Dore @jimmy_dore The JIMMY DORE SHOW Is Live! NOW! Dems Have A Sad Over Liz Cheney’s Primary Loss! Moderna Trashes 30M Vax Doses! With Jackson Hinkle @JacksonHinklle Featuring Stef Zamorano @MiserableLib Plus fun with Mike MacRae @MikeMacRaeMike rumble.com/v1gd8o9-dems-have https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z818B4IZS38 https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/the-white-house-privately-demanded Biden administration officials including @ASlavitt demanded Twitter ban @AlexBerenson for his tweets raising (valid) questions about the effectiveness and efficacy of the Covid vaccines. Months later, Twitter banned him. The White House privately demanded Twitter ban me months before the company did so Federal officials targeted me specifically; when they met with Twitter in April 2021, "they really wanted to know about Alex Berenson"