Regarding Weird. You don't even have the tip of it's iceberg stuck up your ass Zen.

L to R: Tony and Max... FWIW, neither receives a gubmint check. Both in my estimation are eligible (easily... SSDI), but the county's darling child 180/180 program is looking for homeless who are intending to die on the street, change their minds (however temporary that might be) and shower them with checks and services.

I guess one has to be dying to get one of those federal checks, and the displaced workers of Santa Cruz can just go fuck themselves as far as housing and job development go.

It's notable that the president of the foundation fronting 180/180 used to be the executive director of the Santa Cruz Redevelopment Agency... the corporatist county agency foisted off on the citizens of Santa Cruz in the wake of the Loma Prieta earthquake that for all intents and purposes, and undoubtedly by plan and policy, created the joblessness and homelessness one see in the county today.

On 01/04/2017 07:50 AM, Razer wrote:

Welp... Cloudflare DNS-ed

FiveEyes is watching. The nutjob right...


Ps I don't get offended. You have to give a fuck about something to be offended. But I DO find it funny the nutjob right eats it's own. Hassidic Jews are prime recruiting material for fascists.

On 01/04/2017 06:15 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Very enjoyable article, at least for those with an Aussie spirit :)

Quite likely to offend at least one Rayzer thin snowflake round these
parts, but hey, what's life if we all agreed with each other eh?


http:// pickeringpost .com/story/-and-you-thought-we-were-a-weird-mob-/6776

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