W dniu 30.10.2014 o 04:22, Alfie John pisze: (...)
I don't get it. The Four Horsemen of the Infocalypse are already using Tails and Tor so this is not going to affect them. All this will do is slowly push the general populace using them as well. Is the government shooting their own intelligence agencies in the foot by helping more and more people get onto the Cyphernet?
It would be awesome if it did, but most people don't care. They will be spied on and think "it's ok, I'm not doing anything illegal, I'm not a terrorist and I trust the police, they wouldn't do anything bad with my data". :-/ -- Łukasz "Cyber Killer" Korpalski mail: cyberkiller8@gmail.com xmpp: cyber_killer@jabster.pl site: http://website.cybkil.cu.cc gpgkey: 0x72511999 @ hkp://keys.gnupg.net //When replying to my e-mail, kindly please //write your message below the quoted text.