On Mon, 28 Dec 2020 14:54:51 -0500 Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Ok, that's something you should stop doing immediately because it's extremely harmful.
Seems like a great way to resist forceful blame to me. Obviously antiblame is bad when nobody is blaming anything, and you need to figure out what causes stuff. I don't see that situation here.
You are blind then. Or playing dumb.
Your 'antiblame' 'ideology' comes directly from eastern theocracies (buddhism then jew-kkkristianity). And you are a 'christian' right?
I like jainism, although i worship nature myself, and both my parents were catholic so I have a soft spot there. I wanted to be a monk as a child, they have such cool brown robes. Worshipping nature lets me check the reasons for things myself.
how do you worship 'nature'?
'Antiblame' 'ideology' is a tool used by the ruling class(aka govcorp) to stop their victims from...blaming the ruling class. Another facet of it is the laughable idea that 'revenge', actually self-defense, is bad. The christian version goes as far as to tell people to 'turn the other cheek' so that christian govcorp can massacre its vitctims more easily.
I'm hearing from you that you're not trying to disrupt this list?
Sorry, I made a point, you apparently ignored it and jumped to something else. And there is no actual way for me to 'disrupt' the 'list'. People can ignore what I say. But it should be obvious that what I'm 'disrupting' is anglo-US jew-kristian propaganda. If your list is choke full of it, too bad for your list.
Anyway, the way to sort out what good ideas are, is to ask your older survivors. They've figured out when to blame if you want to keep on.
I already sorted out the good ideas and when I did that I did it by myself, not asking the authorities, sorry, 'older survivors'. I did take a look at the literature, but in the end I had to decide for myself. Like anybody else.
Tracing crimes back to their authors, that is assigning 'blame' is a very important defense mechanism.
It's pretty obvious that everything is caused by a myriad of people, most of whom weren't trying to make it happen.
Ok so you clearly keep trying to protect criminals.
notice that professor turd is hysterically promoting 'antiblame' with his insane denial of the existence of govcorp.
because I was forced to disrupt communities and turn people against each other,
are you saying you were(...) a US government agent?
not really. but i'm a double-brainwashed citizen of the usa, so i basically am, no?
Don't ask me. Explain clearly what you mean/did or shut up.
it's what happens to activists once they're targeted in the usa. they get forced to disrupt activist communities. usually unwittingly, but often they are overtly coerced to do this.
so you were forced to work as a US govt agent?
and would be very happy if it turned into a religion because fewer people would die.
it IS already a religion, and you know it, and you should further know that it's one of the reasons why people DIE, not something that contributes to peace.
is it? i've been isolated a lot. i see a lot of religions have it some.
anyway, to parrot marshall rosenberg, since doing that is easier for me than crying about who i used to be, we need to blame the causes of things so we can work with them, but blaming _people_ is counterproductive and produces conflict.
that is garbage. People are moral agents and responsible for their crimes. You can only blame people, not the 'causes of things'. You keep stubbornly promoting a system that only benefits criminals.
it's like the silliness of imprisoning for stealing if the theft was food for an urgently starving person in an emergency. imprisoning that thief makes the situation _worse_.
that's a different thing. Imprisoning people for theft is wrong, see the liberal analysis. Thieves have to return what they stole i.e. restitution. And your analogy is wrong too.
Hey, um ... would you like me to filter your posts out? You reference my stuff sometimes. What kind of responses are better for you?
punk included the above statement i made in their email. i kind of regret making it.