-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 01/17/2016 03:51 PM, juan wrote:
On Sun, 17 Jan 2016 12:05:34 +0000 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
This highlights for me personally how programmed I am in my think, and how useful it is to be perpetually reminded of at least one or two of the limitations of said think. But shit, it's embarrassing how programmed I am...
Well, once you realize you are programmed, then you are not programmed anymore =P
I so VERY much wish that was true! I have worked on 'deprogramming' myself since age 17 or 18, with some degree of success - but only in proportion to the amount of effort expended X the amount of time spent pushing, pushing, pushing. Have I moved off 'square one' yet? I think so, but sometimes I have my doubts. Early on I arrived at the conclusion that "Knowing better changes nothing." Identifying a self defeating mental complex only indicates a need to start programming its replacements. Without effective tools in hand, "knowing better" only leads to denial and rationalization: The higher one's verbal IQ and the broader one's general information, the faster and better defensive self deception works. The Zen aphorism "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water; after enlightenment, chop wood, carry water" may apply here. Even a fundamental, revolutionary change in perceived personal identity does not magically flush out a lifetime of beliefs, habits, and information belonging to some hypothetical "old self" that has supposedly been overturned. Enlightenment does not stop the flow of incoming propaganda, nor does it cancel the established relationships and dependencies with the external world that define a person as a social and economic entity. That thunderous, world-shattering AHA! moment, if it comes, will at best present a series of new and more difficult mountains to climb.
I sure f-ing hope -one- of these days I can give "the Juan clarification" (at least to myself/ in my head) before you yourself do so.
I don't want to claim more credit than I deserve, which is basically...none.
Wow. (Still there's no new thought under the Sun, but how hard is it to shake one's programming.)
Bob Wilson got on that particular bus sometime in the 1960s. By the 1980s spreading the gospel of self-deprogramming became his major mission in life. I have gotten a lot of mileage out of the cognitive tools presented here: http://www.principiadiscordia.com/downloads/04%20Prometheus%20Rising .pdf Yesterday someone asked me for a "Cliff Notes" version of Wilson's video Maybe Logic, itself a condensed / introductory gloss of his written works on self deprogramming. I had to advise him that "Cliff Notes" approaches to political and existential problems can only make them worse...
http://kickass-cookies.co.uk/the-ascendance-of-sociopaths-in-u- s-governance/
I like to define politics as the process flow of power relationships in a society. In this context, blaming systemic political failures on broken State institutions or malicious actors wielding State power can not produce practical solutions. These problems arise mutually; neither can do its nefarious work without the other, so repairing either allows the other to undo the repair job - and creates an institutional memory to immunizing the State against repetition of those repairs. :o/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJWuDtSAAoJEDZ0Gg87KR0L5QEQAOZBQSR4bum5N9I8tV0mta6f /lZoexRAAklQ9IFH8NxDFtbQHl7BB5EKMn9puMdIG4zzr93HCMwvBn8UUAjBlOwd QFF6bprPnb8IX415GjtVlD5jlp6x+vsmCiKog2uJHr4Quu1TQi6r8g5Y7nqdWlAT Szuif5G6kGdH/hrCYPiZZJ2sPKhMuWCjZ0tw1nkYfrt/cVKpi1t0aXgQPHi9wVue OVD+LWYEMHSZ0iKlb9nP3nOkzVrcNE8U4ZcvRUFQnxsi6ZDwsFzxpBJYUKvzyCso GVsTnsRZXmNI1Z4h09KEh5PBzmAW1qmptYuHzeudA/IeBSqnCK+scCUdrz4eqWaI OD0sVhgrXeZmnRL2KO37eUBA2AAaE/TdtLlpb+k5wAITMf5wNaPPeLln1XAkoQ8Z pC9mBxCMai0NfxpkcL4UgXuNkn91VRs0QKpPtEb8l6NFVPy7COev2qDUyId79NoJ YLAyrfeWiAF5BMLffAv5umBhQWImQ3gon28zLTuS/GGw67dWA4peSlP3BW6aIFAl GSn1etq1LqB4PrCBm/6CYGsbyxoJ77rBhH5/1rO8oDhXWkgjOBmnR5zEwXmSr1a9 arSHQMlhGFrB2LuIbVc1dg8C9yPxmzR8XemKX105f24f7c7keBP8qDoa/nYfJ636 OxsGtFQokidBiz+jSx8k =wHlU -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----