3 Jul
3 Jul
4:31 p.m.
On Fri, Jul 03, 2020 at 02:25:20AM +0000, CJ Parker wrote:
A US Federal Court has ruled that Julian Assange lawfully published the Hillary Clinton emails
Awesome news!!
CJ Parker #05987-196 Proud To Be A Felon In AMERI A
Every time I read that line, Leonard Bernstein's West Side Story number "America" pops into my head - along with a florrid flaunty flurry of skanty leggy dancers strutting dey many curves ... (how does one render the glottoral roll in ASCII? :D) Kudos! Great position to take in an Empire of Chaos ;D BTW, wilcommén bàkken, monsèurẽ :) Live ünd learn, hąy .. we haz múchen ẅorken to do, en. Praps time fo dat privvvvvvvvvvvvvate chaтski..