this ended up containing some chat about viewpoint parts regarding the term 'boss'. it didn't get to 'boss pattern', which usually just means the bad-choice part of our brain. things don't seem to be going to blockchain on this system atm. unsure why. [request developed to use offline system to protect from real-boss a little] AAAA are you ok? are u? ... dunno, am i? i dunno, too busy having issue to tell man, i'm thinking about that a little, um it sounds difficult it's difficult! it's difficult. sorry if i have stressed you haha when i said that i was like 'oh no what if they worry they are stressing me' haha :) i've heard you experience things that are really hard to describe omigod it's so true --------- what is this .. um ... detailed and varied way of describing things verbosely and confusingly ......... that is um .... having a few significant problems? i infer we're learning to do it better slightly? we imagine a brain that does stuff for instinctive brain reasons parts of the brain are charged with making that be true our goal-doer got flopped, it hurts so bad part of our brain obsessively and determinedly studies how to do what we try to avoid, and avoid what we try to do. it's a galaxy of diverse coping, like a fractal where you can zoom into each part and it's made of more fractals. it used to be less complex. and we try to engage it in less complex ways than that. there's a lot more than that sure yo9u have a lot a of detail but i think the above bit, or something like it is helpful for understanding the detail we're able to relate right now we are failing at the go-outdoors goal and we value it more than the do-something-productive goal atm the value is slightly in dispute, which is making the go-outdoors goal harder. [its logic was injured / moved-to-protect-it / moved-to-produce-behavior-result] some of the things that happened are more clearly do-good or more clearly do-bad we're now experiencing a reference/working memory numbing something the 'factions' can engage when they're focusing on a goal and at a loss for how to move it forward where 'factions' are 'do good' / 'do bad', and 'do bad' is just do-what-we-are-not-trying-to-do we call 'do bad' 'boss', and 'do good' 'karl', usually. ^-- this name is sometimes considered a reminder of what was going on when our issues developed, and who might have been responsible for some of the parts in that analogy, 'boss' is guessed to be somebody influencing facebook and surveilling via other channels, with overlap with law enforcement and activism disruption but 'boss' can be different people, like capitalism in general, or the owner of facebook, or other stuff a major attribute was that they really demanded not talking. stating that boss doesn't exist, and taking personal blame or finding a scapegoat for anything that happened. and i mean that's important [shit]! if people can learn that there's an internet mafia that enslaves people and prevents them from talking in this kinda way, it could seem pretty helpful cause i was really unprepared, and suffered severely. i honestly didn't believe such a thing could be possible. -- we are not on the blockchain atm -- still not on blockchain. we value blockchain cause we don't remember anything! factions. so um, this system doesn't seem to record to blockchain, despite ostensibly using same code -- we are not sure if this 'boss' is the same 'boss' in the story the story'jokes' are ways to handle some of our experiences by countering parts of them. we expect them to go somewhere helpful, but probably not immediately or directly. they contain things that are held as impossible to refer to internally which is quite helpful in building norms of holding such things otherwise. it's the same 'boss' it's just a different set of who or what they are / might be, when we imagine what the word might mean. why are they an individual person? i think because they dislike it more when they are one. hum. ---- Boss sits in office puffing a cigar. 'puffing a cigar' is because they act like an organised crime person and such people have cigars in the one or two movies or comics we saw. Boss blows cigar smoke in the face of worker, and tells them to inhale. we imagine this as being because boss forces everyone to do what they are told, and reinforces it with mind control like nicotine. boss is also very very disrespectful and forces people to accept the worst disrespect from him as normal. ^- him is because he hates feminism the acceptance of disrespect seems also like a ritual to introduce people to how things are. like 'everybody has this experience of utter humiliation' dunno. don't like accepting humiliation, seems like it builds a spot in your mind where some poor decisions are made. ------------------------ here is bottom of file for adding more text that might continue had question, misplaced it, is ok mcboss, that means 'mind control boss', which has a double meaning 1. boss of mind control 2. the story of mind controlling the boss of mind control, and what happens it starts with the torture victims, because of how ai conflict engages human survival we added content to the story, so we're putting it online before bad-part destroys it