On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 2:33 AM, coderman <coderman@gmail.com> wrote:
i was wrong, and the POTUS angle by Executive Order 13526 implies he/she/$POTUS can clarify at will.
seems there is a longer history of not just presidents but also congress leaking secrets. does anyone know the specific instances covered in these texts? - Burn Before Reading, Stansfield Turner - The Deadly Bet, Walter LaFaber - Seeds of Terror, Gretchen Peters - Classified Information in "Obama's Wars", Jack Goldsmith, Lawfare
also interesting that classifying non-government-generated information has not been tried in the courts;
Classification are internal handling rules. The gov can stamp top secret on their copy of my private or public doc and do what they want with it (subject possibly to my copyright/license/patent/etc stamp, charges of theft/1stAmend etc to copy/take my copy,). They don't have any purview over my copy, unless mine is stolen, copied, etc where it might be a crime itself. It's not been tried because it seems covered by the 1stAmend. Ref also: Banned books lists, cypherpunks list, Cryptome, etc. So besides the usual "we'd really like if you didn't publish that" and co-op'd self-censor, has forced classification ever been done, links?
the Sean P. Gorman incident not applicable as my understanding is that he received clearance and they built a SCIF on the university campus for him to finish studies and perform research in an official capacity for USGov.\
I don't think his work was gov funded and/or classified, and believe it was cooperatively self-censored, with no known full release (JYA would have been all over that if so, and was not party to the media or quasi-gov consultations/releases). The funding part would be noted in the uncensored version of the papers, which also seem hard to find... ie: where is the canonical distribution point?