On Tue, 19 Feb 2019 21:50:54 -0500 Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:
On 2/19/19 7:49 PM, Punk wrote:
This is quite remarkable, IBM (an american corporation and thus morally perfect - see ayn rand philosophy) created an Artificial Intelligence Debater and the Artificial Intelligence Debater scientifically proved that
"children who do not attend high quality preschool are far more likely to commit violent crimes"
(no I am not making that shit up - that's a literal quote)
I did not attend /any/ preschool, instead I sat home watching cop shows, spy dramas and Perry Mason on TV. I have never been arrested or charged for any of my violent crimes.
We are afraid your testimony isn't computationally valid since it doesn't fully match the predictions made by the neurological networks running on IBM's quantum scientific super computers,
Worked for me.
That is an unmechanical remark contrary to the will of his Fordship.