Probably your employer is a university, since the FBI shills mainly shill trooferism,
On 2019-08-26 4:36 am, Punk wrote:
By the way, only two people on this list devoted around a hundred or more hysterical posts to 'refute' the fact that the US military blew up the so called 'world trade center' in 2001.
The refusal to commit thought crimes is the tell tale giveaway of a shill - it shows he is working on a computer owned by his employer, and that HR can see what he writes. Trooferism is an FBI operation to distract attention from the fact that they ignored the terrorists, being under orders from Mueller to ignore Muslim terrorism even when it got in their faces, and find white male Christian terrorism irrespective of whether it existed or not. You blame the military, because the left hates the military, but you will not blame the FBI, which is the organization that regularly creates fake crimes, and which behaved very suspiciously in ignoring the terrorists. And proof that Troofersim is an FBI shill operation is that Troofers will not criticize Mueller, or suggest his involvement, will not crticize the FBI, despite it being up to its neck in every real deep state conspiracy and they will not commit thought crimes. --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.