On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 11:27:31PM -0300, Juan wrote:
On Mon, 1 Oct 2018 09:48:11 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 03:32:09PM -0300, Juan wrote:
On Sun, 30 Sep 2018 22:27:35 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
Our liberties are close to going up in smoke, folks!
So why do you say that while at the same time daily spamming daily stormer garbage?
You don't make much sense do you?
Race war is apparently wanted, and (((some folk))) ....
You ignored my point and instead posted more daily spammer garbage.
So here's a link for you :
"Why wouldn’t he shoot a crazy spic who for all anyone could tell was on drugs? Who behaves like this except spics and nigs?"
"A police officer has lost his job after being charged with voluntary manslaughter "
So Zenaan feel free to explain how something like the 'dailystormer' whose purpose in life is to suck the dick of murderous cops has any connection to anything libertarian?
And in the next article, TDS names all American cops as "badge niggers". TDS is intent on catalyzing - be triggered as long as it entertains you to be triggered. Otherwise, take every grain of sand as unique and drink of your personal choice. I could equally say "Razer is a retarded agitprop Antifa-wanna-be, therefore the cypherpunks list is worthless shite - but at least some might think that's not such a useful position to take. I'm sure I don't make sense to some, perhaps much of the time. Raging doesn't make sense most of the time either - but everyone ought have the right to rage, scream at the sky if you will... Requoting myself:
Our liberties are close to going up in smoke, folks!
And yourself:
So why do you say that while at the same time daily spamming daily stormer garbage? You don't make much sense do you?
Frankly, the dept. of triggering aka the snowflake destroying fire tornado known as TDS serves a useful purpose AFAICT - however I fully admit that the "As Far As" part of "AFAICT" may be embarrassingly on the short end of the "far" vector... If nothing else, memes appear to be an emergent generational group dynamic on a global (or at least Western) scale - a generation of angry young men has discovered they can commincate effectively (actually causing triggering of "liberal" leftys like Razer) - and if nothing else this is putting on public display the truth of millions of individuals as they interact, trigger, get triggered, and react or respond. The alternative just a couple years ago was the ever increasing internalization of anger from powerlessness in the face of tyranny and madness, and ultimately I believe civil war. Now we may yet see civil war, but with a public "conversation" (of sorts) triggering its way forward week by week, there's the possibility of an alternative. What alternative I don't know. I do hope though...