Lebron James: "You're Next"
Earlier, Biden publicly "prayed" for the "right" verdict amid "overwhelming" evidence, while leftists saturated airwaves with protest violent rhetoric leaving jury scared no option but to convict
https://summit.news/2021/04/23/alternate-juror-on-chauvin-trial-says-she-fea... https://www.kare11.com/article/news/local/george-floyd/derek-chauvin-trial-a... https://twitter.com/RMConservative/status/1385397740755169281 https://twitter.com/henrykleeKTVU/status/1383604362430205962 A woman who sat as an alternate juror on the Derek Chauvin trial told a local news station that she was concerned about “rioting and destruction” as well as people turning up at her house if they were angry at the verdict. Lisa Christensen also revealed to KARE 11 how the riots that preceded the verdict were close to her house and that she routinely witnessed them after the trial had concluded for the day. “When I came home, I could hear the helicopters flying over my house… I could hear the flash bangs going off,” Christensen said. “If I stepped outside, I could see the smoke from the grenades. One day, the trial ran a little late, and I had trouble getting to my house, because the protesters were blocking the interstate, so I had to go way around.” Christensen said she had no idea she would be dismissed by the judge and not be a part of deliberations, something that happened “right before the 12 jurors were sequestered.” The alternate juror said she was disappointed to be dismissed and that she would have found Chauvin guilty if she had been part of the final 12 jurors. One juror: "I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict." https://t.co/6TYkXO7LW8 — Daniel Horowitz (@RMConservative) April 23, 2021 Judging by Christensen’s remarks, that guilty verdict would clearly have been influenced not primarily by the evidence, but by the threat of mass rioting and threats to her own personal safety. “I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict,” she said. The comments clearly suggest that members of the jury were swayed by the threat of nationwide civil unrest, violence and looting that would have undoubtedly occurred had Chauvin escaped any of the charges. “This is the clearest picture yet of the terroristic intimidation jurors faced to ensure Chauvin was found guilty in what was fundamentally a rigged show trial,” comments Chris Menahan. “That the trial was not moved out of Minneapolis is a sick joke but since Charlottesville this has become the new normal.” Other individuals who testified in defense of Chauvin also had their homes attacked before the jury was sent away to reach a verdict. 1/2: Vandals hurl decapitated pig’s head & animal blood at one-time home of former @SantaRosaPolice Ofc. Barry Brodd, who recently testified for the defense in ex-@MinneapolisPD Ofc. Derek Chauvin’s murder trial in the death of George Floyd. Hand statue at @santarosaplaza hit too pic.twitter.com/2DUziho4t3 — Henry K. Lee (@henrykleeKTVU) April 18, 2021