we imagine rescuing people mind controlled by foreign and domestic entities both people mysteriously cheering for values they don’t even understand the content of, feeling pain when a leader they have never met is ridiculed, acting to harm their own friends and family we imagine rescuing them not with kicking and struggling and fighting, but with relaxing of those parts of the mind that are blinded; with freeing of those hypnotic habits that know only to repeat the dogma and not why; with remembering and connecting and learning; with understanding that it is ok; that both enemies are right in some way; and with discovery of behaviors we really value again, becoming again more rewarding than the addictive political hypnoses while writing this, i thought with some clarity around how these obsessive behaviors and thoughts can seem stronger than nicotine and almost repeat on their own and, like addiction, it feels wrong to do other things, but with willpower and support and foremost logical comprehension of the problem, it is changeable. i think a combination of deprogramming and addiction recovery would work for these problems until more nurturing approaches are funded. * <star> this email seems important.