Why have we not yet, within science, defined a God?  Would it ruin religion, could it make science a religion, will it ruin the concept of superheros?  Would it make us, have a belief in something bigger than ourselves, therefore in our own selves more?  A cornerstone AA.

Simple.Wikipedia has a definition.

"According to certain religions and mythologies, God is the creator of the Earth and of everything else..."  

But what if we just made it real.  Just. Describe it, as such.  It doesn't define any more or less, the basis for any or even all, the meat of, what most consider religions to be about.  It provides the real, human beings, the only ones so far that we know of of course, whom are trying to follow these often millennia old rules, ones we probably helped make... A chance, to at least be working together in doing so.  Keeping it simple, and meant to be very additive.

So here goes, based on my 45 year analysis, elimination and awareness of most; currently, otherwise described, concepts:

God, née, god - That, which surrounds all; within, detectable totality, inhabits us, and governs all unknown laws of our universe.  

Then link the people, with something like this(check both tabs at the bottom left):

I suppose this may be considered really, a very bad idea, by some.  I(just me and, Alex Trebek, maybe, he likes his facts like I like my steak, a little rare!) for one certainly prefer it to ...  lets say, AP.  AP seems like a real PA.  That stands for a "Pain in the ASS"  Or "Pisspoor Attitude", or "Political Assassination" something long trending, #unfortunately, and not at all new, nor newsworthy.  Nowadays the Assassin's name would probably be withheld anyway.  Mostly thought, I find it irresponsible and reprehensible, to suggest, that killing people is the way out of our modern day towards the future.  Positive acts, should affect positive change.  It would seem, that AP, takes away that choice from the masses, much like any assassin.  Reasons agnostic.  Given a chance, I think, one would like to believe the wise thing to do is eventually NOT fight, and therefore not need to kill, right?  Maybe even get a little help, maybe a lot, from the correct others.  For preservation of our collective  genetic's sake, if nothing else.  It is what intelligent beings would do most often, is all it seems to me.  Now that we have a chance, and the ability, to talk.