On 01/27/2017 07:20 PM, grarpamp quoted:

"Not surprisingly, the countries at the bottom of the list are almost all Middle Eastern nations

With 'leaders' brought to power (in obvious and not so obvious ways) by the West, for the West's benefit.

When they don't perform up to snuff (ie. assist the West in it's looting of petroleum)... They get snuffed.



According to one think tank that studies corruption in government, 85%
of the world lives under governments that are essentially corrupt.
"'Corruption' is defined by Transparency International (TI) as 'the
abuse of entrusted power for private gain.' Each year since 1995, TI
has published a Corruption Perceptions Index that scores the world's
nations out of 100 for their public sector honesty and the
just-released 2016 report paints the same bleak picture we've been
seeing now for two decades except it's getting worse. According to the
data, despite the illusion of elected government in half the world's
countries, democracy is losing. Only two countries scored 90 out of
100 this year, and just 54 of the 176 countries (30%) assessed in the
report scored better than 50. Fifty percent might have constituted a
pass in a High School arithmetic test, but for an elected government
to be so inept at carrying out the will of the electorate, it is a
clear betrayal of the people. The average country score this year is a
paltry 43, indicating endemic corruption in a country's public sector
is the norm. Even more damning is that more countries declined than
improved in this year's results. Our analysis of TI's data shows 85
percent of human beings are governed by regimes that score 50 or less,
indicating that the integrity of people in authority across the globe
remains sadly lacking." schwit1 notes: "Not surprisingly, the
countries at the bottom of the list are almost all Middle Eastern
nations, all of whom are the source of most of the world's terrorism
and Islamic madness. The few others are those trying to become
communist paradises, Venezuela and North Korea." "the latest update of
the Economist Intelligence Unit's Democracy Index, released on the
same day as the Transparency International report, reflects an almost
identical perspective. The EIU Democracy Index measures the state of
democracy in 167 countries and the average global score fell from 5.55
out of 10 in 2015 to 5.52 in 2016, with 72 countries recording a lower
score versus 38 which showed an improvement. You can register for free
and download the EIU report here."

When you wonder why your place is going to shit


And you give them the structure / tools / power to do it to you


And worship those who do it


And sit on your ass in permissive submissive complacent silence

Ur Gonna Git Fuct!