I remarked earlier that several security proposals would not in practice be useful because Hillary's main security concern was not the Russians stealing her emails, not Wikileaks stealing her emails, not the Chans stealing her emails, but Obama stealing her emails. Similarly, it is clear that if Trump had a chat with Assad of Syria clearing a bombing run Isis in Syria, his target list would appear in the New York Times, as he bitterly complained in his latest press conference. Indeed this appears to be what has already happened with the Trump's raid on Al Qaeda in Yemen - the information wound up in the hands of Al Qaeda, probably by the State Department electronically intercepting Trump and Pentagon communications and then leaking the information to their pet "Moderate Islamic Opposition" aka Al Qaeda and Islamic State, and as a result several American commandos were killed or wounded. They got killed as a result of conflict between the red empire of the bases and the blue empire of the consulates. It very much looks as if Chief Petty Officer William "Ryan" Owens was killed as a result of people in the US government leaking information to the enemies of Americans. Trump in his recent news conference reports his phone calls are being listened into by his enemies and then made public, so the leak mechanism in the Yemen case was likely similar. This is far from being the first deadly conflict between the red and blue empires, though the internal conflict within the US government looks to be escalating massively under Trump. In general, your biggest spying threat is from people mighty close to you. I am not worried about the CIA spying on me. I am worried about them spying on Trump. To solve this problem, we need end to end encryption with the keys on your own device. And we need everyone using by default and standard, so that Hillary's not very bright people and Trumps menials use it when communicating with Hillary and Trump. Which means all proposals that require managing their own keys are not going to work. For Hillary's people to use it, it needs to be so standard that even people arranging assignations on Facebook use it without being aware of it. That is why proprietary usb dongles will not work. It is unlikely that Trump would manage his own public keys - and he cannot trust the white house staff and government security people to manage them for him. It is even more unlikely that Podesta would manage his own public keys. So we need a security mechanism for the masses, a security mechanism that even the Chairman of the Board can use, a security mechanism suitable for everyone in the world, a security mechanism that requires zero clicks.