On 02/22/2017 10:19 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
​Razer, he's upset, feeling annoyed and frustrated with some of your past messages
I'm 'upset, feeling annoyed and frustrated with some of your past messages' too. Get the point? You aren't making your point. Here's mine. His feeling are not, nor should the be, MY problem. He wants moderation? He should start his own list. I'm subject to antisemitic epithets, misconstrued political affilations, tail-ended trolling by various and sundry vicious midgets like Juan and Zen, and ALL SORTS OF GARBAGE here, and you send HUGE BOILERPLATES of songs and cutesy platitudes in response, and I'M 'the problem'? Go crawl back in the hole you came out of about the same time the rest of the trolls you interact with showed up. Rr