On Sat, 29 May 2021 04:48:18 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
News reversals coming out that US/Fauci with China funded initial 'gain of function' research etc, some MilGov interests and actions were also involved, the China lab folks did catch their own bug, etc.
that's just more disinformation and outright lies that 'prove' that the virus is a 'real commie chinese* bioweapon' , which of course it isn't. I'd advise you to refrain from posting right wing pentagon propaganda - it's no different than the left wing 'anarchist' garbage I linked. *oh and yes the chinese hate amerikkka for its freedoms.
That's intentional fuckery by toxic governments causing the worlds destructions and problems as they always do.
the only obviously intentional and real fuckery is the PSYOP.
Not really by 'not living in tune with nature', which otherwise could have a point.