meeting: “what if we have experimentee hold and channel things like attempts to take over the meeting, since they are strong enough to manage them?” experimentee: “um” experimentee (to torturer rebel): “if you guys are already channeling the harm into — experimentee: “let’s let them speak for themselves now.” torturer rebel gets out a piece of paper. torturer rebel skims down the piece of paper: “fuck you … fuck you …” tortuter rebel flips a few pages torturer rebel. “fuck you … fuck you … fuck you ….” torturer rebel flips more pages torturer rebel: “fuck you … ah-ha!” torturer rebel: “why do i have to destroy this meeting?” torturer rebel: “uhhh … if the victim is depressed, if the victim is angry, if the situation is delicate, if the situation is complicated and confused …” torturer rebel flips more pages torturer rebel (reading): “i don’t want to destroy this meeting, but if i soend enouh time doing it, my torturer gets more satisfied” torturer rebel looks at the meeting rebel worker 2: “thank you, that’s a little helpful.” researcher: “can we talk to their torturer?” supersoldier comes lumbering over. supersoldier is a writhing mass of nanites and weapons and veteran bodyparts, many in internal combat. supersoldier: “these parts of me here were the torturer.” supersoldier raises a pair of cyborgs fighting each other experimentee: “we think one part of the AI used another to get the combat patterns to help with the community disruption.” rebel worker 2: “hmm maybe supersoldier is its defense system” supersoldier: “oh totally! you should look up my memoirs” rebel worker 2 looks at supersoldier experimentee: “you have memoirs ???” “you can write??” supersoldier: “no i can’t writ ?????..,? (i th8nk pro military is wanting rep here, none of the experimentees can weite because their brains were turned into ai goals, but i hear i missed something possibly big :s) big distraction researcher: “supersoldier, the part of you stimulating the meeting disruption, are the concerns relevant? or is it trauma from the past?” supersoldier: “uhh” supersoldier and experimentee (look at each other?) … experimentee: “we’re not sure.” pause experimentee: “some of it is networks of old or strong habits.” experimentee: “a lot of it serves external functions that are current, but there is a lot of internal stuff that can appear needlessly complex, and is mostly causing thr concerns ….” experimentee: “supersoldier and i(/us, describe group) competed for … influence in the business AI, and stimulating these confusing complexities was a way to negotiate how problems spread, how fast, and where …. kind of” researcher: “it sounds like this … conflict … is not fully resolved … ?” (((we have concerns. pausing email 1756