On 12/08/2016 01:10 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Wed, Dec 07, 2016 at 09:02:17PM -0800, Razer wrote:
On 12/07/2016 07:27 AM, I wrote:
Zionism is Jewish Fascism dreamed up by some nutjob rebbe in Europe sometime in the 1800s with about as much basis in the Torah as ISIS (another Fash group) has basis in the Koran.
Zionism is Jewish Fascism The so-called "Alt-Right" is AMERICAN FASCISM.
If you hate the 'alt-right' (fascism) you hate zionism (fasicism), not Jews (antisemitism) As I was saying:
Forward (Progressive US Jewish news)
‘Alt Right’ Leader Silences Rabbi by Tying White Supremacy to Zionism http://forward.com/news/356336/watch-alt-right-leader-leaves-rabbi-speechles... Well played, Spencer!
There's nothing to 'play' idiot. Zionism has ALWAYS been an emanation Jewish SOCIETY'S fascism, and Alt-Right has ALWAY been American SOCIETY'S Fascism, and you're not making your own point, "If you hate the Alt-Right you must be an anti-semite." Because Zionism has no more to do with being Jewish than alt-right has to do with being American. They're simply "Site-Specific" Fascist tendencies that LEECH. I want to make sure understand that word "LEECH" Zen ... It means, intrinsically, NOT part of. Zionism is attached to judaism, like a diseased blood-filled tick. R
Thanks for the link R ;)
Given America's ardent and decades long massive financial and military support for Israel, and therefore Zionism, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism the closing quote in the "Forward" article above is fitting indeed:
" A perfect example of why Zionists are poorly positioned to confront white nationalists: https://t.co/JVpZJRkJHx via @joshnathankazis— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) December 7, 2016 "
In the public consciousness, this debate is just getting started. Snowball's chance in hell of censoring this now... notwithstanding that (arguably self- in this instance) book banning is getting going in the Grande Ole U S of A: http://www.dailystormer.com/satirical-childrens-book-happy-burkaday-timmy-ca...
"Free speech is not supreme, it's my right to have Safe Spaces."
"Burn those books, they're offensive."
"It's my right to be non-inclusive and intolerant of alt-BLAH talk and views on my campus, because!"
"We should not be free to speak 'hate' speech, and my Liberal buddies shall be the censors tank your furry muff!"