The bug number and other database indices have been removed from the text below as I sometimes do.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Subject: [bug #] tries to execute directories name as commands instead of using shell PATH resulting failure with permission denied

Follow-up Comment #, bug #(project ):


I have part of a story to share, and I apologise that I am very confused and
scared when I share it.

I went through an experience of severe abuse where my devices were maliciously
controlled to limit my freedom. When I see a "permission denied" error that
has no apparent cause, this is very terrifying to me, and I experience
flashbacks, and I do not know if I will be harmed if I continue to pursue my

I would request that, even if EACCES is the correct error code, that the cases
of it where it is not actually a permission error, be given a different error
message that helps the user discover what is really going on. Even giving the
full path of failing execution would help so much here.

I would also request that some reference to my story be in the commit message,
so people understand that  respects people and does not support sustaining
delusions of power nor helplessness.

I expect my expression may be met with defensiveness or concerns. I am just
taking the time to try to talk, when it is very very hard for me to do so. If
I have upset you, I apologise.

If my expression belongs at a dependent project such as , it would be
kind if somebody could copy-paste it to them, because it is very very hard for
me to reference this.

Thank you for reading. 

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