What I stated a while back about my reasons for never getting involved in the computer industry as a way to earn my bucks... I don't get along with fewdal punkz and hypercompetitive-hyperagressives reel well. So what did they do? They FUCKED the whole 'Fucking thing'.
In my experience that is an accurate description of probably 90% of the industry to some degree or another. That seems to be changing, rapidly, however. There are a few New York based startups I'm familiar with that have a VERY strict "leave your ego at the door" type policy. If they get the slightest hint of competitiveness in the interview process, you're done.. no matter how good your chops are. Very cool people. Very chill environment. Bluecore is one of them. They're hiring. I won't give the others because, I still have relationships with them. But Bluecore is awesome, and it isn't hard to find the others if you Google around.