Entrepreneurs to the Rescue

There has been a rise in mistrust of our institutions and in the US since the early 2000s. We do not think that it is a coincidence that this wave of mistrust began at the same time the US declared War on Iraq in 2003. Our response to 9/11, backed by false intelligence, marked a significant undermining of US credibility on the world stage, from which we have not fully recovered.

The entrepreneurial disposition here in Silicon Valley is one of earnestness and optimism. We are committed to solving these problems of institutional mistrust, working on securing people's privacy, and taking back to individual power through an onslaught of Web3 innovation. We also aspire to make individuals more valuable and efficient with AI so they can get more done in less time. The dream of a four-day workweek or less is very real.

The principle of subsidiarity's roots go back to Thomistic social theory. Carlo Crivelli painted this portrait of Saint Thomas Aquinas.

From our post, we see the two biggest components to saving the American ideal, re-establishing our global brand, and uniting our country are joining together and recommitting to two primary principles. The first is the organizing principle of subsidiarity, which affirms that the autonomy and human dignity of the individual are paramount. In other words, the idea is that all social bodies exist for the sake of the individual, not for the benefit of the institutions or the people running them. The decentralizing power of blockchain and crypto can make this happen.

The second is a return to the principle of non-violent protest. We have still not reconciled and atoned for the millions of innocent people who were killed, maimed, or displaced during the Middle East wars we started. We also have not reconciled the 47 innocent deaths and $5 billion in inter-city property and business destruction that occurred in the Summer of 2020. There is a better way to affect social change, and we have the independence of India under Mahatma Gandhi, the US Civil Rights movement under the leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr., the takedown of the Soviet Union, and Apartheid in South Africa as successful use cases. Let's stop the dying! 

Anthony Perkins, founder & editor, Cryptonite