On 08/04/2017 09:50 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
To answer this question, Eckert had her colleague delete one browser plugin every hour until he disappeared from the live data. On the seventh plugin, he disappeared. This suggested that the plugin collecting and selling his browser data was, ironically enough, called Web of Trust, which offers "free tools for safe search and web browsing."
https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/gygx7y/your-anonymous-browsing-da... With at least 7 plugins of this kind the lusers have bigger problems
On Fri, Aug 04, 2017 at 08:48:11AM -0700, Razer wrote: than just passive browsing history.
btw, the history in the image appears entirely of porn to me.
hotmovs.com. I think that screenshot was chosen for 'impact'. The author didn't state if it was her voluntary cohort/acquaintance's browser history. For the record, Facebook's "comment plugin" no longer works if NoScript is enabled (McClatchyDC) even if you 'allow all globally'. I suspect the XSS filter is still active but haven't checked. There's no "Please turn off adblocker" message. Perhaps sites that make the bulk of their revenue from targeted advertising are getting a little testy. Rr