On August 27, 2019 12:13:51 AM PDT, Punk <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Tue, 27 Aug 2019 14:49:50 +0800 douchebag wrote:
Obviously Epstein had a little bit of help in his suicide.
On 2019-08-26 11:09 am, Punk wrote:
and who says he's dead?
If he is not dead, he is being tortured
LMAO. He's not dead. He's on some island in the caribbean.
to reveal the locations of his stash of blackmail data,
Now that's kinda interesting and 'on topic'. You think a supreme scumbag like epstein who stole some 1000 millions didn't have some sort of 'contingency plan'? Some automated mechanism to publish data if/when he had some sort of 'accident'?
and will be killed when he reveals it.
You are blowing smoke to direct attention to anyone other than the Clintons and the FBI.
You are just parroting what the FBI says.
Now, I think the clintons should be beaten to death, just like the orange monkey whose cock you constantly suck. That's the difference between a rethuglican partisan(you) and a libertarian.
So please cut the crap. You're not talking to your pals the demrats. If the only thing you can do is parrot trumpist talking points, then shut the fuck up.
There are a whole lot of odd and suspicious deaths of people that the
Clintons had reason to get rid of, Epstein's death being the most suspicious one yet.
Epstein is dead,
says the FBI and the retards who parrot what the FBI says.
No. He's dead. They broke all the rules to put him, a pedobear, in general population for a bit and he saw what his life was going to be like as a fucktoy for Bubba and every gang member in prison and the high flying pimp who in reality wasn't much different than Charlie Manson checked out. Most likely self-garrotted. Even if his clothing was made of paper he could still do that by braiding a few strips. Now Kashoggi... He's alive. Too high value in the CIA's Islamist handling department with an uncle who has had long deep connections to US intel... Rr Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice with K-9 Mail