On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 09:02:53PM -0300, Juan wrote:
On Tue, 13 Dec 2016 18:47:49 -0500 John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
I don't support censorship, all your claims to the contrary ;) At the same time, I don't support people telling me how I can configure my own software on my own hardware whose network traffic I pay for.
I "dully" note you seemt to have ignored everything else I said.
For instance, I don't consider locking my mail server down so it's not an open relay to be censorship (some people do - see toad.com). Trying to enforce software configurations I'm not interested in, on my shit, under any pretense, is fascism.
As long as your hardware doens't carry other people's speech, fine.
The facscist/conservtive dictum "my network, my fascist rules for speech" remains just that however. A fascist dictum.
Then, any "small fascist communications collective" can also be called a private club. The problem with that becomes when that "small fascist collective" becomes a large fascist collective, such as Twitter, Google and Facebook - they are no longer small private clubs. AND they advertised themselves specifically on the basis of freedom of speech (at least Twitter did). And so their actual deceptions to the public (that they are free speech platforms), has become a fundamental undermine for us humans in the world (those who use said platforms anyway). ALSO, these corporations were built on fascist non-free-market monopolistic statutory protections. SO, they should pay a very hefty price for their deception. They should be forced for example to make it easy to all their members to use / interoperate with alternative platforms, and they should have to very prominantly display that they are fundamentally fascist. Jailing people who publish information and images about the crimes of others, protects those who perpetrate the crimes, and hides those crimes from the public, feeding the ostrich syndrome of cucked loosers. So without free speech, we protect criminals.
Anyway, I agree that some traffic can be classified as outright spam, like, say, advertising posted by bots, but blocking that sort of traffic is not really what's been discussed here.
-- * Certified Deplorable Neo-Nazi Fake News Hunter (TM)(C)(R) * Executive Director of Triggers, Ministry of Winning * Weapons against traditional \/\/European\/\/ values: http://davidduke.com/jewish-professor-boasts-of-jewish-pornography-used-as-a... * How Liberal Lefties view the world: http://bbs.dailystormer.com/uploads/default/optimized/3X/0/4/042cb95724339d5...