-:=/ kollider_function /=:-- A. Reversing the Panopticon http://cartome.org/reverse-panopticon.htm "The reconnaissance capabilities of (San Gimignano's) massive masonry observation towers, with their intelligence-gathering and defensive overview of strategic landscape and crucial traffic, had been supplanted by a more lightweight, mobile structure: a technology of administrative compartmentalization, classification and policing, underpinned by technologies of authoritarian inspection, data collection and databanking." B. [video] MICROWAVE WEAPONRY'S USE ON PEOPLE /via cryptome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMMEQNnSZIo -- observation towers -- a. towers of San Gimignano http://www.contemporarynomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/san-gimignano.jp... b. cellular towers https://www.google.com/search?q=cellular+towers&tbm=isch The ocean's hidden waves show their power / stratification... http://phys.org/news/2014-01-ocean-hidden-power.html [q] Their effect on the surface of the ocean is negligible, producing a rise of just inches that is virtually imperceptible on a turbulent sea. But internal waves, which are hidden entirely within the ocean, can tower hundreds of feet, with profound effects on the Earth's climate and on ocean ecosystems. (...) These waves are potentially "the key mechanism for transferring heat from the upper ocean to the depths," Peacock says, so the focus of the research was to determine exactly how the largest of these waves, as revealed through satellite imagery of the Luzon Strait region, are generated.[/q] ))(()(( food science ()(())(( <sandwich> though my previous discovery of fried baloney & hummus with slice of red onion^1 as being strangely equivalent to an eggsalad sandwich (?!) was as far as it went; though just now realized in a lightly _toasted 7-grain bread, with mayo on one side, then thin sliced hard salami, thin slice of colby-jack, and other piece of bread, that-- (bread/mayo/salami/cheese/bread) the sandwich is so minimal and boring, works best with lettuce (arugula!) and slice of red onion, though without such ingredients, left to ponder on the delicious the crispy thin plain kettle potato chips, and decided to place them then squish them onto/into the sandwich as a new layer, somewhat panini flattened to get the chips to become more level... (bread/mayo/potato-chips/salami/cheese/bread) and oh my goodness is it a delicious sandwich. so figured to do a search and found others who have realized likewise, perhaps due to necessity... Squishing potato chips in your sandwich...anyone else do this? http://chowhound.chow.com/topics/763996 <?sandwich> testing123... sprintf('onward... ^1: (bread/mayo/fried-balony/fresh-hummus/red-onion/bread) Is Your Refrigerator Running? / ~resiliency. via digg http://modernfarmer.com/2014/01/refrigerator-running/ [q] Refrigeration is the invisible backbone on which the world’s food supply depends — and given our climate-changed forecast of more extreme weather events, it may yet prove to be its Achilles’ heel. Currently, 70 percent of America’s food supply is refrigerated at some point in its journey from farm to table, and without refrigeration, meat, chicken, seafood and dairy last just two hours before they’re unsafe to eat. Perishable fruits and vegetables often have only a day or two at room temperature before they turn to mush.[/q] \\----- programming -----// [book review] Period Piece The theory and meaning of our own hieroglyphics. http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/period-piece_773244.html?nopager=1# [q] Unlike the interrobang, whose conception, creation, rise, and fall were all observable within a decade, the @ symbol has been around for centuries and is now enjoying widespread resurgence thanks to the Internet. While its exact origins are unknown, the earliest recorded use of the @ symbol is in a letter sent from Seville to Rome, dated May 4, 1536. [/q] octothorpe = # pilcrow mark = ¶ interrobang = ‽ manicule = ☞ diple = ‹ guillemets = « » ligatures e.g. = æ dagger = † amphora = @
cartoon <<<
http://www.gapingvoid.com/when%20a-listers%20start%20losing%20the%20plot.jpg http://images.sodahead.com/polls/0/0/1/8/5/8/9/2/5/58451459_now_what.jpeg :::=====television=====::: re: POV--> Nobody Needs a New TV Anymore /via digg http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2014/01/nobody-needs-a-new-tv-anymore.h... [q] Unless the TV industry can find a way to force obsolescence on its old products — like making new models of devices like the Roku incompatible with TVs made before 2011 — the appeal of new models will be limited to TV addicts and people with too much disposable income.[/q] comments: i think the viewpoint in the above article demonstrates a certain narrowed conceptualization or myopia even, of technological systems as being more than the end-use tools that are interfaced with, say on the screen of a 'smart tv' or its hardware configurations and options. these are indicators of functionality, though they map into larger, extended systems - infrastructures, and various industries and buildings that have been effectively rationalized under an earlier broadcast, then cable model, now importing 'internet' content such as youtube videos and streaming movies (redbox, amazon video, etc) as additional layers or services. [note- still at CRT here, not sure how it functions exactly in these terms.] what is happening is one way to analyze the situation. what could be happening- the *potential* for network-based television, is a larger question and consideration. such a large enigma that Steve Jobs of Apple, Inc. claimed to have cracked the idea of television open, and realized or discovered resolution for a future model of television, likely involving the issue of its content ecosystem in addition to interface. a missing parameter in referencing [tv] without distinguishing past and future conceptual differences is that the cathode-ray-tubes of the past and liquid crystal displays (LCD) of the present HDTVs are of different parameters of functionality. it is not about connecting a CRT display to the global network as if 'Internet TV', another channel to tune into via airwaves. instead it is a television display (LCD) screen that has become a computer, and thus is more like having a personal computer becoming a television, though it can also tune into airwaves and network protocols as its channel spectrum. so while it is true perhaps that there is a limit to innovation in the hardware interfaces due to a limit reached in the given model, within certain constraints -- including content ownership via media conglomerates based on DRM and copyright restrictions, redistribution rights, and royalties -- which is basically the entire media industry, from radio to television to movies to music (and publishing even), this viewpoint is based on the idea that this situation is fixed in its given functioning and cannot be surpassed or radically changed, within those parameters. so part of the larger consideration would be to consider HDTV beyond the local tool or artifact - the television set - and consider the ecosystem it functions within and potentially could function within, interface with. first off: the TV set is recontextualized in the realm of the global computer network, and thus it is at least in part an issue of an 'internet television' set as HDTV device, interface, functionality, hardware, software, programming, content, display. likely curved screens, touch interfaces, wireless, menus/UI, refresh speed, resolution, these kinds of parameters have tangible effects on functionality, ease of use, enjoyment, if the design is effective. though -what- is accessible is a fundamental issue; and for many, this likely involves a cultural wasteland of commercial content chock full of advertisements , where the experience of seamless channel surfing has become bureaucratized, as IP and broadcast frequencies are different systems, and content exists in multiple formats in several locations (say media server, internet services, movie streaming, over-the-air) and thus begins to be unmanageable at the level of interface, requiring much effort to access and view content that is not preprogrammed and formatted (a guess, reading feedback of others) in that there are multiple systems, formats, menus, issues of having to type or input data, difficulty in doing so, etc. time, energy, frustration, when pre-computer TV was simple. basic. and always worked except for transmission glitches or interruptions. prior to being made obsolete by a new 'digital standard', making old sets no longer functional in the 'new system' which turns out to be CHAOS, a difficult to mediate or resolve cultural question, unless it is not in question- which then only involves extending the existing model, parameters further. and then it is only about dollars, selling units of HDTV, per capita consumption of mass media dressed-up as internet content, via extension of the same systems, one-way media delivery. except- youtube, memes, perhaps TED Conferences, etc. then also, videoteleconferencing. the larger question of infrastructure involves parallel video content that could be made accessible or available to these networked HDTVs. imagine community television, anywhere in the world. or special access to a school video archive of a children's play, requiring private login to view years later. though also, ideas and debates recorded on video, theater and plays as performance videos, music concerts and recitals, educational programming, lectures, etc. this was the earlier model or potential that was passed over, never allowed to develop by the existing rationalization, within its controlling interest and technical parameters. instead such 'civic content' is locked out, or made into a proprietary channel or service, oftentimes content requiring additional payment for access, instead of offering it as a public service, say for sustaining and improving cultural awareness, cultural literacy. instead, the bane of pledge drives for 'public TV' interrupts such content with commercials, advertisements that demand tithing in order to keep the awful content-system moving in the same backwards direction, a charade of educational programming, a heist of 'public airwaves' and spectrum, for what thus amounts to a private ideological approach to mass media, everywhere colonized the same. just consider - and certainly fortunate you are if not familiar with this television content - how destructive a show like "Friends" is to programming behavior of populations who then mimic and extend adult adolescence as 'shared consciousness' via brainwashed young people who congregate and behave similarly, as if adulthood involves preschool for shared groups. as if this dumbing-down is an education in ignorance, condoning and developing it (said show is show cynical perhaps it is covert-based military propaganda even, to promote such decline) so instead of communicating about meaningful ideas via television or video, having debates about ideas, the content is trivial and stupid. demeaning, debasing, idiotic, and formulaic for the very antihuman principles ruling over and oppressing populations in daily environments. what kind of relation does Hollywood have with human citizens exactly? why is mass media programming hostile to ideas of freedom, intelligence, beyond their narrow self-interest? what kind of public trust is that which seeks to eliminate other perspectives, public goals, ideals, principles, and instead actively dismantles, destroys, prevents, censors such views? and everyone who *purchases* their television content, pays or buys into this services. VOTES for it via participating in the onesided delivery model of ungrounded perspective, warped beliefs, antihuman agendas, normalized and standardized as if 'shared culture' and not unshared cult exploiting humans via oneway, entropic expropriation of human power, decision-making, relations, intelligence, via- most likely- endless signed ~legal documents now that is dark humor. so dark that the laugh track and non-funny comediennes provide a diorama-like span of artifice in which to place the malaise of being lost in such false POVs. this one-way formatting of culture in hostile terms and dynamics... then leading to adult preschoolers as the constituency, filling up the void in mass media as its representatives and participants. the state as mass media production, then waging war against terrorists, turning against its own citizenry and constitution. the script turned into a government prescription that then formats and 'owns' the development (and decline) of culture via its representation. political engineering, social engineering, behavioral engineering - marcom & advertising. public issues and interests then are a pay-per-access approach. parallel to this, timepiece, the SPOT watch by Microsoft, which could have indicated an innovative approach to content, except for a monthly or yearly fee to access radio-broadcast content for the 'smart watch', such that to get the weather report required tithing. any blip of news, more dimes and quarters. and thus content-limited, dies out. maximal payment via cellular data services-- requiring payment of full cellphone plan prior to access data or services are extra fees, such that actual *information* and data is rare, unless people live to SMS and that is their lifework the model of content distribution, ownership, approaches to 'profit'- removed of a vital and fundamental civic dimension and component that is absent from these devices and tools. essentially boxed-in by a limited privatized approach that relies on _censoring outside views and content from a given platform or industry or media, because that constraint becomes the basis for moneymaking instead of- i don't know- doing something worthwhile for humanity, in an innovative and ingenious way that still makes money, and does not falsely constrain or limit or confine the device or its future media development out of selfish private interest at the expense of larger human goals and needs. again- i don't know... like knowing when the bus is going to arrive at a bus stop via a watch or PDA or phone- as a public service. and having such data available and accessible for populations - and then developing more based on such public services and infrastructures, including media libraries accessible via HDTVs, schools or university resources and classes as part of public outreach, etc. in a coherent approach and model based on shared goals, principles, incentives, reflecting a value in truth and honoring content as more than private moneymaking ventures that turn culture into a fool's paradise the civic versus commercial footprint, not just for profit or even non-profit, also no-profit, a model of the commons and public human sphere that could be developed outside the given approaches, in parallel to it, and then made accessible via these tools, as another channel or interface, though likely a million times larger and full of all the best resources of culture. and being a citizen provides access, instead of having to pay for it through a third-party always so the issue of this existing development of idiocy as the basis for social relations (antisocial) if not promoting xenophobia via such group dynamics that become standard, 'the measure' by which others are judged, in these devolved terms and conditions. including in thinking, such that the ignorant become the masses who then single out unique individuals are the problem, the very opposite of democratic potentials, that ideas matter, not just shared views and beliefs in a larger louder physically more strong group who are superficial, shallow, and by most indications, incredibly stupid and extremely proud of it- because this ignorance is the very basis for social power, engineering consensus and compliance with such lowered viewpoints as if ideal, enlightened by conformity, by fitting in, submission, cultic bliss. it is difficult to write beyond this condition because it is the culture, it is the televised content, it has taken over 'online programming' and forms the basis for substitute discourse via idiotic memes and 'dialogue' about meaningless events as structure for shared relations and reality, making trivial the everyday, into issues of consumption, co-media/commodities that participation then validates as a process, sustaining and building false perspectives, structures, frameworks that can further be exploited, oppress, via these same means/memes high-brow, high art, intellectualism and theory-speak and social affairs to low brow to the realm of the debased and disgusting, all on the same cultural level, ungrounded, headed in an antihuman direction with an actively hostile agenda, and yet nonsensical or immune from 'reason' beyond opinion, due to loss of logic beyond binary ideology & its quick judgements. in this way mass media - networked or not - becoming channel surfing, there is always yet another choice to tune into, ignore the others, even while it persists, keeps on developing, though these 'other choices' are still the same thing, annihilating all hope of any change in principles and goals and ideals- because they are against human culture, implicitly, by design a question of platforms and tools and devices to access a parallel content system would need to investigate how to establish a framework for what exists as a latent yet unused resource, of video or recordings, and then model a way to integrate this public content into a common model that could scale from local to state to global interconnectivity, then to standardize this and establish a common interface that is of highest use and function and usability versus the oft encountered lowest functionality for such resources, set at odds with basic searches or categorization, for lack of coherent modeling of concepts and ideas, beyond unique strings reading about CES recently, the recent yearly Consumer Electronics Show, a quote from the Sony CEO reminded me of some of the unique potentials built into existing tools for access that could co-exist in traditional models and offer potentially an interface into this world beyond the private-only model, where cultural media resources could someday be accessed. reference: Sony CEO says cloud TV won't compete with cable http://www.theverge.com/2014/1/7/5285310/sony-ceo-kaz-hirai-says-cloud-tv-wo... [q] Unlike Microsoft's push, Hirai focused on the installed user base of the PS3, suggesting that when the service does come to customers it will be modular and will allow TV viewing across several of the company's products. "I know Intel was in this space as well, but from my perspective, when you look at the installed base of the PS3 — 25 million in the US — when we're talking to a lot of the broadcasters, it's a compelling number." [/q] the Sony Playstation (PS3/PS4) has its own gaming network and streaming services, though i am not familiar with how these function- it would seem that streaming video games as well as movie content is part of its ecosystem approach, perhaps also external services in some way. though what has intrigued me for years is that the device includes a Blu-Ray disk player as part of its videogame console, and can be used as a dvd player to watch HD movies, which the Blu-Ray disk format exists for- to match higher screen resolution of HDTVs, while earlier DVDs are more the cathode-ray-tube resolutions and screen ratios (4:3 versus 16:9). so there is an interesting overlap or crossover in content and media delivery, interface, interaction with the videogame consoles (presumably Microsoft X-Box One likewise), in that they not only can play videogames with an HDTV device, though can also play movies on disk, matched to that high definition resolution, and also access streaming content from the internet within some framework or given parameters. the potential then, in this particular videogame console as media access platform, is that it could open a portal to the 'public commons' of another world of content, say media archives of hundreds of thousands of films, lectures, videos of events, educational resources, and that if it were coherently organized and presented as public service, could likely be integrated into such a content delivery infrastructure - though connected with a different system of values than those that otherwise dominate what is on offer, as an 'online commons' or 'public space' beyond a realm of juvenilia or existing commercialism that is so highly saturated in the given model that it is like toxic content, as if ideological residue imparts itself from mere proximity to the detritus of the mainstream in its devolved, ungrounded warped worldview so what if the question of television extended into its infrastructure - what services are on offer, in the private model, and what content exists that could potentially be accessed, if it were coherently and effectively organized and accessed via these same tools and devices what if the problem involves information, modeling of a view that is not trapped within a too small consideration of what this involves, and requires a librarian-like cataloging of resources and an information architecture that unifies and scales distributed resources into a common model and intelligible framework, while not existing in the 'same place' or location, or within a central repository except insofar as it can be interfaced and accurately account for content perhaps issues of streaming are too involved and that a large effort and resources would be required to gain access to high definition content or quality media resources, yet the content itself already exists in archives around the world and locally, and would provide an immense value to those newly able to connect with what is otherwise absent and out of bounds within media and culture, if as memory, knowledge, communication, relation, awareness, value what if ideas were debated on the internet, like they were in past eras as part of the process of reasoning, and really got into the issues of information and intelligence in a shared model and multiple views. the incapacitation by one-way media prevents this, and a lack of quality in existing online resources, else media archives that remain unshared or still undeveloped, such as video of a dance performance or one act play, bound or limit what is possible now and also what could potentially occur, by neutralizing the possibility by going along with the standard model and approach that does not question or function outside its own parameters in terms of content development in profit-based scenarios what if knowledge was of value. shared awareness. education. insight. clear communication of ideas. debates that shape improved understanding and promotes civic involvement and engagement with the present day and its issues and situations. beyond the one-way panel and the presentations, and into other forms and dynamics of relation, sharing of ideas. this too could populate the content offerings within media devices. it would be interesting to know what the difficulties are, what attempts have been made, by those most engaged in these dynamics and dimensions- and what actually may be possible as human content within networked media devices beyond the WWW model for websites and apps, and TV channels. in this way, what about the media archive and networked library, access to the cultural assemblage of resources, stratigraphic layering, interconnections across frameworks --- quotes from Henry Ford --- http://www.secretsofthefed.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Henry-Ford-Banking... http://firm-guide.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Quote-of-the-day-Henry-Ford... .:.:-.-: URLS -:-..::. [experiment] String Crossing -- What do you see? http://www.exo.net/~pauld/activities/perception/stringcrossing.htm [video] George Lucas' First Film ('liberty and political freedom') http://gizmodo.com/freiheit-george-lucas-very-first-very-worst-film-14971875... about: Freiheit (film) 1966 - 3 minutes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freiheit_%28film%29 // audio interview, tomorrow (1/15/2014) @ noon PST... Quantum Leap: The moment we transform potential into reality http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-art-of-film-funding/2014/01/15/quantum-leap... [q] Our guest, Fred Alan Wolf Ph.D., “teaches that quantum physics is the most useful, immediate, and relevant kind of science you can learn to profoundly affect your day-to-day life.[/q] New cyber-attack model helps hackers time the next Stuxnet http://phys.org/news/2014-01-cyber-attack-hackers-nextstuxnet.html [q] As Robert Axelrod and Rumen Iliev at the University of Michigan write in a paper just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, "The question of timing is analogous to the question of when to use a double agent to mislead the enemy, where it may be worth waiting for an important event but waiting too long may mean the double agent has been discovered."[/q] Coral chemical warfare: Suppressing a competitor enhances susceptibility to a predator http://phys.org/news/2014-01-coral-chemical-warfare-suppressing-competitor.h... [q]The researchers don't know all the factors that may have made the chemically noxious seaweed more palatable to the fish. However, those seaweed portions that had been competing with coral had less effective chemical defenses against fish. When the researchers took extracts from treatment seaweed and control seaweed and applied them to a palatable seaweed species not previously used in the experiment, fish preferred the seaweed coated with extracts from the portions that had been competing with corals, indicating that competition had compromised the seaweed's chemical defenses against herbivores. [/q] ===== outer.limits ===== [video] 'Aliens Exist' Says Canada's Former Defense Minister¹ http://fusion.net/modern_life/story/aliens-exist-canadas-defense-minister-35... ¹/via drudge :::::::::: muzak :::::::::: //cf.bitsets,logic,circuits,nestedsets,dimensions,numberline,aesthetics The Divine Music of Mathematics /via hh http://www.firstthings.com/article/2012/03/the-divine-music-of-mathematics [q] "The various attempts to impose mathematics on music (or music on mathematics) produced, respectively, bad music and bad mathematics." ... "Not until the nineteenth century did mathematicians arrive at a rigorous definition of irrational numbers, as the limit of an infinite converging sequence of rational numbers. [/q] ^ (this could be interdimensional,nested sets,thresholds, as with nested platonic solids, vertices/edges meeting, &c. note also: music seems to have no concept of ~perspective. perhaps why musicology is incoherent if not nonsensical; midi notevalues makes fineprint legalize look like poetry) (note: 'most simple number' (1), infinity can exist between zero & one, in bounded condition,given approach/dynamics) (rel. what is missing/big conceptual gap: laser monochord; analog-digital, modeling+sampling(&classical/quantum), simplest 'vibrating string' instrument to model emp.ideas; harmonics,split,multiplex beams,tuning,ratios,plus signals) (musical frameworks are flat. Timaeus not flat,nested and hierarchy, implicit. problems related to time,metronome- approach,numberline. makes no sense as space-time/order whereby natural rhythm,movement as if artificial,unnatural; ideological snap to fit. framework is conceptually backwards, like rationalizing everything in a given consensus, false-view) [note:the world (15c.onward) this article describes is madness] [also: 1 symbolically equates w/infinity in n-value logic model] (issue:basically,trying to work expanded,fragmented,diluted cosmic bitset back to core truth (1), in multiple frameworks, nested,disconnected permutations full of noise,tiny signals; patterns,circuits,ecology,forms/concepts,archetypes,structures) more... problem with music: model of the world does not accurately map to experience (of reality) thus problem of communication/langue, viewpoints & sharing of false perspective, beliefs, rationalizations. (future: music visualization displays, tracking, order, structure, cf. videogames (rockband,etc), also n-dimensional, geometric space, drumming in virtual reality, inside 12-sided polygon mile wide, &c) --note also, this summarizing quote from the essay... [q] In light of the extraordinary influence of Augustine’s idea, we might think about the problem this way: Even if the ultimate foundations of reality remain hidden from us, we nonetheless possess a creative faculty that gives us insight into the infinite. We employ the same faculty at play in music as we do in probing reality through mathematics. And this faculty whose workings we observe in the laboratory of music offers an intimation of our role as junior partners in creation.[/q] (i think this is dead wrong. there is infinitesimal truth, not maximal in music today, 'junior partners' only if neuro/audio/signal engineering programming audiences via entrainment,hypnosis, brain-wave mods; otherwise this kind of connection is an illusion and a cultural conceit) <---| ¿¿¿ |---> future Google as information bank, leasing data/info or access ----------------------------------------------------------------- [video] The Game of Wiffleball https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5y_Wa21qjNs ', $nym, $curveball); {educational fair-use of copyright, 2013} 13C/27-C1 112-B2B/57-A2A 613-A2A/54-B2A