nitter Logo Bryce Zabel @BryceZabel Writer/Producer. Created five primetime #TV dramas. Former: #Emmys CEO, #CNN correspondent, #USC professor. Author of alt.history books on UFOs, Beatles, JFK. Southern California NeedToKnow.today Joined July 2009 Tweets 7,676 Following 217 Followers 6,619 Likes 7,765 1,879 Photos and videos Tweets Tweets & Replies Media Search Pinned Tweet Bryce Zabel @BryceZabel May 6 Apparently, today was "Take Your Daughter to the Picket Line Day." I've been a member of the Writers Guild since before Lauren was born. Served on the WGA Board. Four strikes. Supported each one. #WGA #WritersGuildStrike #WritersStrike2023 20 25 1 263 Bryce Zabel retweeted Don Most @most_don Jun 6 Happy to announce my CD "New York High" will be released later this summer. Giving all my fans, or anyone who is interested, an opportunity to get it before its official release. The first 1000 sold will be autographed and sent to you within 4-6 weeks. plateaumusic.com/donny-most 13 28 2 203 Bryce Zabel retweeted Trail of the Saucers @hollywoodufos Jun 5 On this Manic Monday, there is plenty to mull in the story told by whistleblower David Grusch to @RossCoulthart, @lesliekean, and @ralphblu as told in @Debriefmedia and @NewsNationComms. Reading the back and forth, taking a string of phone calls, etc., here are three things I… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 2 13 1 66 Bryce Zabel retweeted Need to Know @Coulthart_Zabel Jun 5 Here's the update on the Ross Coulthart interview with whistleblower David Grusch — First off, @NewsNation will be doing a special report tonight using footage (although we don't believe this will be the full edited special they are ultimately doing). Here's their promo from… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 87 360 23 1,480 Bryce Zabel retweeted Trail of the Saucers @hollywoodufos Jun 5 Here's our latest Need to Know podcast, just uploaded minutes ago: bit.ly/NTK_Megaphone This episode — "The Tipping Point is Here" — reacts to the publication of the Kean/Blumenthal article on The Debrief, and explains how Ross Coulthart has the first interview, on-camera,… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 25 80 7 538 Bryce Zabel retweeted Trail of the Saucers @hollywoodufos Jun 5 There is so much more to come on the story of whistleblower David Grusch who forms the heart of today's reporting by Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal. Here is the beginning of the story behind the story: — On May 8 and May 9, Ross Coulthart interviewed David Grusch on-camera and… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 2 8 2 50 Bryce Zabel retweeted George Knapp @g_knapp May 17 Replying to @hollywoodufos @BryceZabel @MarthaStewart @SI_Swimsuit @SInow BTW, Happy Birthday, Mr. Dark Skies. 2 5 1 33 Bryce Zabel retweeted Chrissy Newton @chrissynewton May 25 100 percent you’ll enjoy this. 🙂 Need to Know @Coulthart_Zabel May 25 New show! piped.kavin.rocks/pFHHxzoIuy8 NTK's @RossCoulthart is still "on assignment," so @BryceZabel has recorded a fresh NeedToKnow.today with @ChrissyNewton from @Debriefmedia and host of her own podcast, Rebelliously Curious. Watch the Show — piped.kavin.rocks/pFHHxzoIuy8… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 8 14 1 99 Bryce Zabel retweeted Need to Know @Coulthart_Zabel May 25 New show! piped.kavin.rocks/pFHHxzoIuy8 NTK's @RossCoulthart is still "on assignment," so @BryceZabel has recorded a fresh NeedToKnow.today with @ChrissyNewton from @Debriefmedia and host of her own podcast, Rebelliously Curious. Watch the Show — piped.kavin.rocks/pFHHxzoIuy8… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 12 34 2 167 Bryce Zabel retweeted Trail of the Saucers @hollywoodufos May 15 How are we ever going to get people to pay attention to #UFO/#UAP reality if the news has to compete with mega-stories like the Martha Stewart Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover? :-) By the way, Stewart was born the year of the "Battle of LA" sightings at the beginning of WWII.… nitter.pw/i/web/status/165… 26 7 1 75 Bryce Zabel retweeted Need to Know @Coulthart_Zabel May 16 We'd like to thank the folks at the Roswell Daily Record Film Festival for nominating Need to Know with Coulthart and Zabel in the Best Web Series category. We're honored, and appreciate the recognition. instagram.com/p/CsR78u8NB_c/ The photo the Festival used is from the… nitter.pw/i/web/status/165… Roswell Daily Record Film Festival (@rdrfilmfestival) • Instagram photo instagram.com 15 22 242 Bryce Zabel retweeted Trail of the Saucers @hollywoodufos May 17 A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth about Alien Contact. The great Stan Lee wrote this insanely helpful cover blurb for my non-fiction book written with Richard Dolan... "Zabel and Dolan have brilliantly created a compelling blend of history and… nitter.pw/i/web/status/165… 2 15 Bryce Zabel retweeted Trail of the Saucers @hollywoodufos May 15 Back when I was a young reporter in LA, I debated UFOs with Carl Sagan in the PBS parking lot. This was the year after Cosmos. Here's what we said to each other in this article... Read the article here: medium.com/on-the-trail-of-t… @CarlSaganLovers @novapbs #ufo #abductions 14 18 2 113 Bryce Zabel retweeted Trail of the Saucers @hollywoodufos May 14 People Get Ready Looking over these #UFO/#UAP articles on the @HollywoodUFOs site at Medium, the most popular always take a hard line on the need for simple unambiguous confirmation to start. medium.com/on-the-trail-of-t… Can we handle the truth? Jury's out. It's time to start… nitter.pw/i/web/status/165… 11 25 1 104 Bryce Zabel retweeted Trail of the Saucers @hollywoodufos May 10 This is our second most popular article ever on the Medium publication, Trail of the Saucers, and the most popular of 2020. This title just out and says the quiet part out loud — "Yes, We Have UFO Crash Wreckage." I believe we do. People get ready. medium.com/on-the-trail-of-t… nitter.pw/i/web/status/165… Yes, We Have UFO Crash Wreckage With the New York Times chasing crashed saucers and Trump talking on-the-record, Roswell remains the original sin of the UFO cover-up. medium.com 9 29 1 141 Bryce Zabel retweeted Trail of the Saucers @hollywoodufos May 7 Hard to imagine, but it's been 25 years since the collision between DEEP IMPACT and ARMAGEDDON in the summer of 1998. medium.com/on-the-trail-of-t… Armageddon vs. Deep Impact In the summer of 1998, two films came out at the same time, both about a comet on an apocalyptic collision course with Earth. medium.com 6 5 1 35 Bryce Zabel retweeted Trail of the Saucers @hollywoodufos May 6 "The Lost Honeymoon of Betty and Barney Hill." Here's a collection of five articles I've recently written about the case. medium.com/on-the-trail-of-t… Lost Honeymoon – Trail of the Saucers – Medium The Betty and Barney Hill alleged abduction by aliens in 1961 is the subject of a series of investigative articles written by Need to Know co-host Bryce Zabel. Remixing UFO/UAP News, History,... medium.com 4 8 1 51 Bryce Zabel @BryceZabel May 6 Apparently, today was "Take Your Daughter to the Picket Line Day." I've been a member of the Writers Guild since before Lauren was born. Served on the WGA Board. Four strikes. Supported each one. #WGA #WritersGuildStrike #WritersStrike2023 20 25 1 263 Bryce Zabel retweeted Trail of the Saucers @hollywoodufos May 4 The 2006 Chicago O'Hare Airport UAP intrusion is, like the Nimitz, one of the touchstones of modern UFO history. This @Debriefmedia article updates the research and shows off some great journalism from Christopher Plain and @MicahHanks. Read: thedebrief.org/the-chicago-o… 11 32 2 146 Bryce Zabel retweeted Unidentified Flying Canuck @CanuckUFOguy May 3 Replying to @Coulthart_Zabel @ComedyCentral @CollegeHumor This is the single, greatest, rant... I have ever heard in Ufolgy. 🤣🤣🤣 It's fucking fantastic. It's ufo twitter wrapped up in a single rant, that many of us wish we could muster up to yell at someone. THANK YOU. 👊 1 2 14 Bryce Zabel retweeted Need to Know @Coulthart_Zabel May 3 Warning: Disguised as a #GeorgeCarlin-esque #comedy #rant about UFOlogy, this video has lots of profanity. It's not that we don't think the #UFO issue is a serious one, but sometimes it's okay to blow off a little steam... @ComedyCentral @CollegeHumor piped.kavin.rocks/HRCT_ddq39U A Profane Rant about Modern Ufology (2022) This may be the strangest video we've ever featured on the Need to Know channel. It's certainly not our typical fare, given that our podcast is a straight ah... youtube.com 10 20 5 110 Load more