On Jan 17, 2022 5:11 PM, professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:

Jim Bell made a spectacle of himself hobnobbing with Jeff  " Anarchopulco " Berwick.  Berwick was probably behind the death of cryptoanarchist John Galt btw.

Rat foolishly has apparently never heard of a saying, "Preaching to the choir".

If I only presented my AP idea to people who were already convinced, where would that get me?  Or them?


When I wrote AP in 1995, I wasn't under the illusion that it would immediately be accepted by more than a tiny fraction of society.  So be it, I could have said, and probably did.

Quite recently, a poll indicated that "1 in 3" Americans believe violence against goverment is sometimes necessary.


(MANY other cites)

I am convinced that if all Americans were aware of the AP idea, and how it was intended to operate, the large majority would agree with it, because they would see that it was eminently practical and effective, as well as increasingly necessary.

Rat should explain why I should forego offers to speak about AP to thousands of people, who ended up welcoming the idea, merely because he has objections to ONE person.  And has not even articulated his objections.

Or should I only "preach to the choir"?

       Jim Bell