From: Sangy <>

>Talk about bougie shit. $245 dollars to listen to pseudolibertarians and
share space kid-pissed pool. 

I had only been in Mexico once before:  I spent about 6 hours in Juarez in about 1972 with my father and grandfather, while we were on our way from Kansas to California.  Back when Juarez was generally safe to go to.  

I didn't get enough data to determine the "libertarian-ness" of the typical attendee.  

It was an excellent hotel.  I don't know how many "stars" it rated, but it was called the Mundo Imperial.  

>> "How to find love in anarchapulco"

I found out that I have groupies!  I got recognized at taxi pickups and on buses.  More of them seem to be male, however.  <sigh>

>How did it feel to share stage with Lauren Southern?

Unfortunately, I was busy preparing my speech, and missed out on her presentation.  I will definitely be watching her, and other, presentations when they become available on the Internet in a few days.

I did meet, and then later saw the presentation of, Roger Ver, nicknamed "Bitcoin Jesus" for his promotion of Bitcoin and digital currencies in general.   I had previously read a lot about him.  Amazing work.  At the end of his last-day presentation, he called my presentation "the best" at that convention.  Naturally, I am very grateful.

>Also, what'd you talk about?

The obvious:  My AP essay, 22 years later.     Explained for the unitiated what it is all about, the fact that nobody seems to have found a flaw after all this time.  Explained that I fixed David Friedman's "Hard Problem", and that he hasn't yet acknowledged this fact, even with the 2014 published third edition of his The Machinery of Freedom book.  

I really needed about 20 more minutes:  They gave each speaker 40 minutes.  They should give them 55.  There was a suggestion at the end of the conference that they increase the time from 9am to 9 pm, which would allow the extra time.  

             Jim Bell