Twitter censoring Post’s Hunter Biden exposé is ‘election interference’: GOP leaders 
 Jim Bell's comments:. They are correct.  If Russia buying $6 million of Facebook ads in 2016 constitutes "election interference", then what Facebook and Twitter have done easily exceeds that in scope and seriousness.

American election laws ostensibly protect against companies and corporations making "campaign contributions".  If a newspaper or magazine gives free ad space to a candidate, that's an illegal contribution.  But what if Twitter obstructs a news story about Biden's illegal dealings with Ukraine?  Not merely refusing to run the news story itself, but actually prevents people from linking to the story?

Twitter is clearly giving a valuable benefit to Biden's camp, but thinking it is allowed to do so.  They will suddenly discover they have made an illegal campaign contribution, at least according to the arguments which were used against the Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court decision a few years ago.  Oh, the irony !   Whether or not the Citizens United decision actually legalized this, they will have to explain how many more contributions they will openly make.