Message du 19/03/14 02:38 De : "coderman" part of me wonders if airtrans tampering is like cutting transoceanic fibers - a nuclear option no sane actor considers. (the CIA was crazy on LSD, power, coke, and testosterone during their early fatal flight fuckery days in commie theaters [read: legally insane])
In 2006, the entire South America got cut from the internet for three days because the only oceanic cable reaching down there at that time was "accidentally" cut, Murrikans rushed there to "fix" it ... later on we discovered that it was not cut by accident and South American governments had spread cables to Africa and New Zealand that didn't cope with the demand. Now they are completing the job by extending cables to Europe. Yes, some countries do cut oceanic cables for spying, it was done in the past, it can be done today.