On Sun, 25 Feb 2018 16:00:21 +0800 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
The shooter was white Hispanic. He was confused about his identity,
no, the shooter was black but he was camouflaged by satanic forces created by the anti christ, that's why he looked white.
but all the identities he claimed (Hispanic, Jewish, and Sunni Islamic) are anti European, anti white, and the more extreme and vocal elements of each are plotting anti white genocide.
yes, satan is using black shooters to exterminate the human race
Further, the Catholic religion was imposed on South America by fire an sword,
yes the subhumans were treated according to GD'S law. And the white super humans like you did GD'S work.
so Hispanics that are serious about an anti white Hispanic identity tend to worship the Old Gods, which is to say, worship Demons.
no, polytheism is wrong and there's only one demon, THE ANTI CHRIST.
If he was possessed, or believed himself possessed, he was possessed by the Old Gods, not by the anti christ.
that's were your scientific knowledge is a bit lacking. You need to study more scientific facts, like this one here, black shooter looks white thanks to demonic forces : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sutherland_Springs_church_shooting