On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 2:08 AM, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 10:11 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, 17 Oct 2017 21:08:31 -0200, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
- Mommy, "fuck you" in Japanese is "kutabare" or is another word? :P
Ah, I didn't know that one. Dictionary says :
くたばる : to kick the bucket, to drop dead, to die ...
So...kutabare literally means "die!"
Dictionary also has くたばり損ない : somebody who wouldn't be missed if they died.
I asked my neighbors and now I want to discover the correct kanji to this expression... Shit (or "kuso", if you prefer), hiragana doesn't count, Juan! :P
Hi, Juan! Hi, everybody! :D I was searching a little bit and talked with two friends who made their post-doctorship in Tokyo. Well, you are correct: "Kutabare" means "fall dead!" and "Shine" (pronounce: something like "sheene") means "die!", "go to Hell!" and similar expressions. In Japan, they use "Engurishu" (English in "Engurishu", haha!!) and the young people usually say "Fuck You", but the sound is a bit strange, more or less, "Fa~ku". In countries where existed Japanese immigration, some of the old "nihongo" (Japanese language) expressions were kept until now ("bendjou" isn't used in Japan actually, but is still used here instead of "toeere" - toilet in "Engrish") or were used in a different sense ("kutabare" is used as "fuck you" in some countries, because it's more offensive than "die!"). Kisses! :* c. PS: - John, I love you and your messages, but I answer later because I am almost "kutabareying" - haha!! - now, sorry. Do you know the history behind the New LW&C? It's a fucking sad story, but its background is very funny and - wow! - has very unexpected connections with the Brazilian football (Sorry, I prefer to use the word "football" like in Europe. It's ridiculous to call "football" a sport where the guys use the hands and the arms to take the ball in the whole game, aff... And "soccer" is a word so meh, so North-American...) :-/ Mirimir sent me more amazing books suggestions in private a time ago, John. He is amazing, loves books and is my best imaginary friend. I do love him and I am calling him "my pineapple" the whole month of October, because "my pumpkin" is already grarpamp, hahaha!! ;D # http://mentalfloss.com/article/505077/how-turn-pineapple-halloween-pumpkin => Mirimir :D # https://s-i.huffpost.com/gen/2206456/images/n-INAPPROPRIATE-PUMPKINS-628x314... => grarpamp, hahahaha!!! ;D